Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Goans celebrate feast of St.Francis Xavier today

St.Francis Xavier, born Francisco de Jasso
y Azpilicueta, on 7th April 1506 was the sixth
and last child born to Dr. Joao de Xavier
 and Maria d’Aspilcueta at Xavier castle,
Navarra(now part of  Spain). He was a
Roman Catholic missionary who preached
 the  Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of
Asia and was the co-founder of the Society
of Jesus. Francis Xavier was beatified
by Pope Paul V on 25th October 1619,
and was canonized by Pope Gregory XV
 on 22nd March 1622. Pope Pius XI
proclaimed him the "Patron of Catholic
 Missions". His feast  is celebrated on
3rd December. The body of St Francis
Xavier  which miraculously defied the
 laws of nature, of turning  into dust, lies
 till this day in a silver casket in the
Church of Bom Jesus Basilica in Goa,
 India. Ceremonies to honor  his death
 are performed on December 3rd, all
over the  World, the day he was
buried . The exposition of the  sacred
 relics of St. Francis Xavier which is
 held every 10 years will be held this
November from 22nd of  November 2014
till 4th of January 2015, which will  be the
17th public  Exposition of the Sacred Relics 
 of the Saint. The theme for this Exposition
is  " Faith Creates Communion, Strengthens
 Family,  Commissions to Renew the Society
" / " Bhavart  Ekchar Rochta,
 Kuttumb Thirayta, Somaz Novsorunk 
 Pattoyta ". This Official website of the
 Exposition  of the Sacred Relics of St.
Francis Xavier 2014 will try and help you
 with all the information you seek to make
your Pilgrimage of faith in Goa  fruitful a
nd enriching.


Inaugural Ceremony of the Exposition of the Sacred Relics of St. Francis Xavier 2014
The Exposition of the Sacred Relics of St. Francis Xavier 2014 began on the 22nd Nov 2014 with the Solemn Pontifical Mass at 9:30 a.m. The main celebrant of the Eucharistic celebration was Bishop of Manglore Aloysius D’Souza, along with Archbishop of Goa and Daman Filip Neri Ferrao and other Bishops con-celebrated the Eucharistic Celebration.
In His Homely His Grace Aloysius D’Souza spoke about the life of St. Francis Xavier and how he conquered millions of souls. After the Mass the Relics of St Francis Xavier were taken in a procession in prayer and reflection. The Relics were carried by different groups of faithful belonging to different association of the Church.
The casket was taken to Se Catedral and has been kept for public veneration till 4th January 2015. Thousands of pilgrims including priests, nuns and religious participated in the Inaugural ceremony of the Exposition of the Sacred Relics of St. Francis Xavier 2014.

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