Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How would Pope Francis or Cardinal Muller know if Our Lady is really appearing at Medugorje ? Dogmas and doctrines are no more accepted as a measure

How would Pope Francis or Cardinal Muller know if Our Lady is really appearing at Medugorje ? Dogmas and doctrines are no more accepted as a measure.
The Catholic Church prohibited the apparitions of Vassula Ryden based on her alleged concept of God the Father and the Trinity. 
Now how will the Vatican decide on Medugorje which has not been prohibited by the Commission which has finished its investigation. 
With the pontificate of Pope Francis a new situation has developed. Pope Francis is known  to have contradicted the Church's teachings on faith and morals. So doctrine can no longer be a measure. 
If Our Lady of Medugorje tomorrow says outside the Church there is no salvation citing the dogma, she will contradict Pope Francis.
He recently  said all go to Heaven. At Medugorje Our Lady said there is Hell. 
If she issues a comment on homosexual marriages it could be ideological for Pope Francis. In England, Catholic politicians who support homosexual marriages are given the Eucharist with the approval of the Vatican . Pope Francis has approved the Eucharist to be given to pro abortion politicians in the USA.Some of them in public even support late term abortions.
Pope Francis and Cardinal Gerhard Muller are interpreting Vatican Council II using apparition theology 1. If Our Lady interpreted Church documents without this irrational theology, the apparitions would be suspect.
I would like to be faithful to the magisterium as in the case of Pope John Paul II but this magisterium is not faithful to the magisterium itself, of the past. The pope has contradicted the infallible teachings of the past. 
Pope Francis is my pope but when he contradicts the traditional teachings of the Church on faith and morals , I reject it.I refuse to interpret Vatican Council II with apparition theology.Since objective reality does not change. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
So what would be the criteria for not approving Medugorje ? Dogma ? Doctrines? Vatican Council II ?
Supernatural phenomenon? Is there not enough supernatural phenomena seen on Medugorje.How can the supernatural phenomena be refuted ? With doctrine?!
-Lionel Andrades

Cardinal Muller has alleged apparitions like Medugorje : apparition theology for the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate

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