Friday, December 26, 2014

I would like the Church to correct it.

Pertinacious Papist said...
It seems to me that if (Lionel) were saying only that nobody, least of all the Catholic Church, has anywhere indicated a known case of baptism of desire, this is really nothing particularly exceptional.

If, on the other hand, he is insisting that the Church in any of her papal or other magisterial statements got something wrong, this would not be so unexceptional but would pose a significant problem.
I think he would agree, and that the latter point is what has him particularly agitated. He thinks he's discovered a case of magisterial error and wants the world to know this -- maybe to get a movement going to correct the Church on this issue?
Yes I would like the Church to correct it.
Without this error Vatican Council II is traditional its salvation theology and ecclesiology is traditional.Lionel Andrades

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