Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jesuit priests Wolanin,Tiso, Lobo, Morali, Mokrani, Fuss, Muozj, Bianchini and others are teaching Missiology at the Gregorian Univesity,Rome based on apparition theology

The Jesuit priests Wolanin,Tiso, Lobo, Morali, Mokrani, Fuss, Muozj, Bianchini and others are teaching Missiology at the Gregorian University, Rome based on apparition theology approved by Cardinal Gerhard Muller who  visited this Jesuit  university and did not issue any criticism.
These Jesuit professors assume that Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong.Since the deceased now saved with the baptism of desire etc,  who are in Heaven are visible on earth !!. Since they are visible on earth to them, these cases are explicit exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. The dead are visible!. This is the dead- man- walking theory approved in the Department of Missiology of this pontifical university now meeting all the standards set by the political left.
So for these Catholic priest-professors, who begin a new semester in the Missiology Department, the deceased are visible to us humans and so there is salvation outside the Church.This is the apparition theology which they accept. Theology based on visions.
Apparition theology has come to us from  Archbishop Richard Cushing and the Jesuits of Boston in the 1940's.
This is the theology approved by Cardinal Gerhard Muller. He interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus using apparition theology.The SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate have also to affirm the same error.
It may be mentioned that apparition theology approved by Cardinal Muller has nothing to do with the apparitions of Medugorje. The cardinal recently discouraged the Medugorje seers from praying in some Italian dioceses.

The bishops of those dioceses did not agree.
The  prayer meeting went ahead.The bishops also participated.
La brochure del Dipartimento di Teologia delle ReligioniCardinal Muller , the Prefect of the Congregation for the
 Doctrine of the Faith has also approved the new Department  of the Theology of Religions, whose theology contradicts the CDF Notification on Fr.Jacques Dupuis (2001) during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.
The CDF Prefect approves this heretical department yet places restrictions on the Medugorje seers.
The theology of the Department of the Theology of Religions is based on apparition theology. This was the theology used by Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J, former professor of the Gregorian University and present Secretary of the CDF. As President of the International Theological Commission he used apparition theology in two theological papers of the ITC, Christianity and the World Religions and The Hope of Salvation of Infants  who die without baptism. Apparition theology is based on an irrationality ( being able to see the dead on earth who are exceptions to Tradition) was approved by Pope Benedict XVI.
Without this  dead man walking and visible theology, the Missiology  Department would be as traditional on Catholic mission, as  the Jesuit  St.Francis Xavier.
-Lionel Andrades 

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