Wednesday, December 10, 2014

None of the two, mention the irrational premise when they discuss Vatican Council II. This will also be ignored in the SSPX -Brandmuller discussions

According to reports on a traditionalist forum the SSPX leadership is to meet Cardinal Walter Brandmuller this month and review Vatican Council II. Cardinal Branmuller has said that Vatican II Declarations do not contain “binding doctrinal content ... ' and so 'binding doctrinal content' should not be a major part of the breach between the Holy See and the SSPX.
A few days back Pope Francis said he would be willing to accept unity with the Ortodox Church without any theological or doctrinal conditions.
At the last Muller-Fellay meeting however it was decided that accepting Vatican Council II ( interpreted with an irrational inference) was necessary for reconciliation.
The SSPX presently interprets Vatican Council II with the irational premise and so rejects the Council. Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Ladaria and the CDF/Ecclesia Dei  officials also interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise - but accept the Council.
None of the two, mention the irrational premise when they discuss Vatican Council II. This will also be ignored in the SSPX -Brandmuller discussions.
They both will probably agree that the SSPX should be given canonical status without Vatican Council II ( with or without the premise) being made a condition.
-Lionel Andrades

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