Friday, December 5, 2014

Sedevacantists and traditionalists are making the same doctrinal heresy as Rome.

God Bless your efforts! However your arrows are wasted on nonbelievers. Aim them where they belong in ROME against the Seat of the Anti-Christ.
Sedevacantists and traditionalists are making the same doctrinal heresy as Rome.
Pope Francis, Cardinal Muller and Cardinal Ladaria are refusing to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality
Is not implying that the dead now in Heaven are explicit exceptions on earth to Tradition, 'defective' for Una Voce ?

Ecclesia Dei, SSPX and the Latin Mass Society interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrationality as the two bishops

If the Bishops of Argentine and Albano cannot accept Vatican Council II without the irrational inference, then it is a doctrinal issue
The SSPX must respond to Bishop Semeraro by citing Catholic doctrine on Vatican Council II which supports their position
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. The ability to save one's soul is the bottom line issue of your blog, Lionel. The Catholic Church and most critically the Pope, who is the vicar of Christ along with the Cardinals who are the princes of the Church have the duty, responsibility and obligation to the Church militant and Jesus to define how one will obtain salvation. It is incumbent that with urgency that they clearly and in simple language explain "NO Salvation Outside the Catholic Church" correctly in light of Baptism of Blood, Baptism of Desire and Invincible Ignorance. They have left this critical epicenter of our faith to the whims and diverse opinions of all for the entire VCII era. Shame on them! They have been responsible for the loss of billions of souls and hurt Jesus beyond words. We have been scattered to the four winds by babel, unorthodoxy, irreverence and modernism far too long and pray that the Church repent and repair the wound with due haste.

    George Brenner
