Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary religious formation


Brother Andre Marie MICM Prior of the St.Benedict Center Richmond, N.H has not denied that like the  Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA , they  accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities in the USA. This is approved by their respective bishops in Manchester and  Worcester. This is part of the religious formation at the two St.Benedict Centers.
Novices have to allege that there are exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They have to endorse that Lumen Gentium 16 refers to persons saved in invincible ignorance or with a good conscience and these persons are visible and known to us.To assume that the dead in Heaven are visible and known to us in particular cases is a false premise an irrational propostion.How can the dead be living exceptions? And if the dead are not living exceptions to the dogma then how can it be said that Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc) contradicts the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney? 
Then the novices have to endorse the false conclusion. They have to claim that these dead -and- visible- for- us people, now in Heaven, are visible exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in 2014-2015 for salvation.  So for the novices, Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 1
Brother Andre Marie removed a comment of mine in which I asked him  if the religious  formation at St.Benedict center N.H was the same as that of the community in Still Rivger,MA.
I also mentioned that Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, the Prior at that centre has not commented on the blogpost  'Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities : approved by the bishop of Worcester'. He possibly agrees with me or does not understand what I am saying and does not want to discuss it.-Lionel Andrades


Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Still River, MA accept novices who have to repeat the same irrationality as the liberal communities : approved by the bishop of Worcester

Comment from
There was no apoology.Tantumblogo's initial report referred to your center.That's why you had to correct him.
Later he corrected himself.This is what I have mentioned.
You have not answered questions related to your apostolate  and have removed many posts of mine.

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