Wednesday, December 24, 2014

There was no such case also in 1949. So the Holy Office and the Boston ecclesiastical hierarchy made an objective mistake

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist

Mighty Joe Young said...


If baptism by water is impossible, it may be replaced by the baptism of desire, or by the baptism of blood, as in the case of those who suffer martyrdom for the faith of Christ.
This is an opinion. Fine. What is important to note is that it refers to something hypothetical.

The Emperor Valentinian II was on the way to Milan to be baptized when he was assassinated; St. Ambrose said of him that his desire had been the
means of his cleansing. The patriarchs, prophets and holy men of the Old Testament had the baptism of desire; their love of God was ardent, and they wished to do all that He commands. God accepts the will for the deed; in this He manifests His super-abundant loving kindness. But all the
temporal penalties of sin are not remitted by the baptism of desire.
Fine.If he is Heaven he would have received the baptism of water too.
However even if you say that he did not receive the baptism of water, please do not suggest that this case is an explicit exception to all receiving the baptism of water for salvation in 2014.

Martyrdom for Christ's sake is the baptism of blood. This the holy innocents received, and the Church commemorates them as saints.
Holy Innoncents yes!
But in 2014 there are no such known cases.

All unbaptized persons who suffer martyrdom for the Christian faith, for some act of Christian virtue, or the fulfilment of a Christian duty, also received the baptism of blood. Witness St. John Baptist; or St. Emerentiana, who while yet a catechumen, was found by the pagans praying at St. Agnes' tomb, and was put ton death by them. The Church does not pray for the unbaptized who suffer death for Christ; for He Himself says,
"He that shall lose his life for Me, shall find it." (Matt. x. 39).

Yes they are in Heaven with the baptism of blood.If God chose then St.Emerentiana, for example, would have also received the baptism of water in a manner known to God.
What is important to note, is that there is no known case of St.Emerentiana this year.So she should not be considered an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma.

There was no such case also in 1949. So the Holy Office and the Boston ecclesiastical hierarchy made an objective mistake.The baptism of desire and blood had nothing do with the traditional interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.

-Lionel Andrades

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