Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"Those who are in Hell, they ended up there according to their own will.." -Vicka

I believe that many of you know that Jacov and I received this beautiful gift - this beautiful grace - that during an apparition Our Lady took us by the hand in order to show us paradise, purgatory and hell. In those three spots we stayed twenty minutes.

We were in Jakov's family home. Our Lady appeared and she said, "Now I will take you with me!" At that very moment little Jakov said, "Our Lady, take Vicka! She has many brothers and sisters. I'm the only one in the family!" Jakov thought they were leaving and never, ever coming back again. Personally [Vicka says] I thought in that moment, how many hours, how many days, are we going to go up or down? But Our Lady simply took my right hand, Jakov's left hand. She was in front of us and she took us with her. A ceiling opened above us just enough for us to be able to go through it. Practically within a second we found ourselves in Paradise.

It was enormous space. And I saw a kind of light that doesn't exist here on earth. And I saw a lot of people, and all of them more or less the same...no fat, no thin, and they had all three colors of their dresses, grey, yellow and rose....all of them walking around, singing, praying, and little angels flying over. And Our Lady said,"Look at how joyful, how content are all these who are in paradise - joy that you cannot explain with words...joy that doesn't exist here on earth."

Purgatory is also an enormous space. But in Purgatory you cannot see persons because of the dense fog. But you can feel and hear that there are people who are inside who are suffering. Our Lady said, "Those who are in Purgatory are waiting for our prayers to be able to go to Paradise."

The first thing that I saw in Hell was a big fire. Then I saw normal people entering in the fire. And the deeper they were going into fire they were being transformed into wild beasts and they would curse more and more against God. Our Lady said,"Those who are in Hell, they ended up there according to their own will. So all these people living on earth doing everything against God, they are already experiencing Hell, they just continue when they die." And Our Lady said there are many people who live on earth who believe that once you die everything is over. Our Lady says that's a big mistake because here on earth we are just passing through, but the true life continues.

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