Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Jimmy Akins, Catholic Answers present an irrational version of Catholic salvation

Jimmy Akins on Catholic Answers denies the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. Instead he suggests that those in invincible ignorance are the ordinary means of salvation and that all Jews(3:32) do not need to convert into the Church but only those who know about Jesus and the Church.Otherwise they just have to live good lives and they are saved.
He assumes that those who are saved through no fault of their own are people who are known precisely in the present times and so they are an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All Jews,Muslims and other non Catholics do not have faith and baptism and so they are oriented to Hell according to Ad Gentes 7.
(6:25) 'In terms of the need to be Catholic,' Jimmy Akins says, 'the Catholic Church would say, if you have an awareness, if you have seen enough evidence that the Catholic Church was founded by Christ and that it's his will for you and you need to embrace it and if you consciously say,"Hey I'm not going to even though I know Jesus wants me to" ,that's to turn your back on Jesus and not accept salvation on his terms one can endanger one's salvation in that way'.
Those who know or do not know are known only to God. So why does Jimmy Akins consider this an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There is no such known case in 2014. Is he assuming that these are known cases in the present times and so are physical exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? Does it mean that LG 16 ( invincible ignorance) contradicts AG 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation) for him? Vatican Council II contradicts itself for Catholic Answers? This is irrational.LG 16 is not a known exception to the traditional interpretation on salvation. This is a false inference of Akins.
(7:00) 'The majority of people who are outside the Catholic Church have not seen that evidence presumably ,'continues the Catholic Answers EWTN,National Catholic Register apologist,'so as long as they are working with God and following him the best that they are able then God still works with them and they still can be saved.' This is false. The majority of people are oriented to Hell according to Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7, since they do not have 'faith and baptism'.
He does not even tell the Lutheran who has asked the question, that he is on the way to Hell since he does not have Catholic Faith (AG 7) which includes the Sacraments and the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

Franciscans of the Immaculate change video content on salvation

The original video was on outside the Church there is no salvation. There must have been a lot of oppposition . So the Franciscan Friar has produced a new video staying away from the original subject, the dogma, on exclusive salvation in the Church.
In the original, the American Franciscan Friar, Brother Joseph,had assumed that the baptism of desire is a known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He was not aware that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 had made a factual mistake.
The Franciscan Friar too assumed that  the baptism of desire was physically visible to us and this was a physical exception to the teaching on all needing the baptism of water for salvation.Formal entry in the Church is necessary for salvation and there are no known exceptions outside the Church.This was mentioned in the comments section of the video. The comments have all been removed.
-Lionel Andrades

Video – Immaculate Music #39: The FI Sisters’ Choir with Cardinal Burke in Rome

Video – Immaculate Music #39: The FI Sisters’ Choir with Cardinal Burke in Rome

Click to Play Video Immaculate Music #39 – Communion Hymn of our FI Sisters ( 03min) >>> Play
Ave Maria!
In March of 2011, our friars and sisters celebrated a Pontifical High Mass with Cardinal Raymond Burke in Rome at the Church of St. Nicolas (imprisoned). Here’s a “short-short” of one of the sister’s hymns sung after Holy Communion, with Sr. Maria Cecilia Manelli  as conductor of the choir.
Ave Maria!
Sr. Dr. Maria Cecilia Pia Manelli, FI. PhD
Sr. M. Cecilia Manelli was born in Rome in 1973 and entered the Religious Institute of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate in 1991.
She graduated with honours in Piano (1994), and Organ and Organ Composition (1997) from the Music Conservatory of Frosinone and Benevento, Italy.
She obtained a degree in Music Composition from the Benevento Music Conservatory and subsequently her Doctorate in Gregorian Chant from the
Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome.
She has directed and recorded with the “Corale dell’Immacolata” , a choir of friars and sisters of the Franciscans of the Immaculate since 1994 and
has performed internationally as a soloist and part of instrumental and vocal ensembles.
She has taught various courses in Gregorian music internationally including the renowned Solesmes Abbey, as part of the centenary of the monastery’s
founding in 2001.

Relatives of the Franciscans of the Immaculate please contact the Vatican

July 1, 2014
Pope Francis and the Vatican Curia want the Franciscans of the Immaculate to interpret Church documents with an irrationality : appeal for justice

The fruits of explicit for us baptism of desire and not implicit for us baptism of desire

In this video it is assumed wrongly that the baptism of desire is explicit for us and not implicit for us.
Since the baptism of desire is explicit it is considered an exception to the need for all to receive Sacramental Baptism for salvation.
The error has come into the Catholic Church when the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 assumed that those saved with implicit desire and in invincible ignorance were  physically visible to us . These physically cases were then assumed to be physical exceptions to all needing to convert into the Catholic Church with the baptism of water.
If any one says that the baptism of desire is explicit and not implicit, visible and not invisible it is irrational and non Traditional. It is a factual error.It is a fact of life that we cannot see the dead-saved with the baptism of desire.

This would be an error  for the cardinal who issued the  Letter of the Holy Office.It would be an error if a  pope  held  to this irrationality.
It was an objective mistake to state that there was known salvation outside the Church.Since we do not know of any such case.We cannot name any one saved outside the Church. Secondly this was not implied in any Church document before the Letter of the Holy Office.
So a Catholic can affirm implicit for us baptism of desire along with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the traditional interpretation.
It was wrong for the Holy Office 1949 to imply that the baptism of desire was relevant or an exception to the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. It was wrong for the Holy Office and Cardinal Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston to expect Fr. Leonard Feeney to say that he knew of visible cases saved with the baptsim of desire. The  catechumen who died before he received the baptism of water was a hypothetical case.

Fr.Leonard Feeney should not have been expected to claim that this hypothetical case was an exception to the traditional understanding of the dogma which he held.An hypothesis is not a physical person.-Lionel Andrades

ISIL crucifies eight of its foes

ISIL crucifies eight of its foes

By on Jun 29, 2014 
syria-execution-facebook-620x325-550x288“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment” (Qur’an 5:33)

“ISIS crucifies 8 rebels in Aleppo: activists,” Agence France Presse, June 29, 2014:
BEIRUT: A jihadist group in Syria has publicly executed and crucified eight rebels fighting both President Bashar Assad’s regime and the jihadists, an activist group said Sunday.
The report comes amid fierce clashes on the outskirts of Damascus between the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), which is spearheading a major offensive in Iraq, and rebels, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
“ISIS executed eight men in Deir Hafer in the east of Aleppo province” Saturday because they belonged to rebel groups that had fought against the jihadists as well as Assad’s forces, it said.
ISIS then “crucified them in the main square of the village, where their bodies will remain for three days”, the Britain-based group said.
Also in Aleppo province, a ninth man was crucified for eight hours as a form of punishment in Al-Bab town near the border with Turkey.
He survived the ordeal.
ISIS first emerged in Syria’s war in late spring last year and was initially welcomed by some Syrian rebels who believed its combat experience would help topple Assad.
But subsequent jihadist abuses quickly turned the Syrian opposition, including Islamists, against ISIS.
Rebels launched a major anti-ISIS offensive in January 2014, and have pushed them out of large swathes of Aleppo province and all of Idlib in the northwest.
However, ISIS remains firmly rooted in Raqqa, its northern Syrian headquarters, and wields significant power in Deir al-Zor in the east near the border with Iraq.
Activists say the group’s Iraq offensive and capture of heavy weapons – some of them U.S.-made – appears to have boosted its confidence in Syria.
East of Damascus, “fierce clashes broke out early Sunday between rebels from the Army of Islam and ISIS near the town of Hammourieh,” the Observatory said.
The Army of Islam is a major component of the Islamic Front, Syria’s largest rebel coalition which has been fighting ISIS for months, but such fighting in Damascus province is unprecedented.
Regime soldiers and warplanes backed by Hezbollah also pounded rebel positions near the capital with rockets and surface-to-surface missiles, said the Local Coordination Committees activist network.
Syria’s war began as a peaceful protest movement in March 2011 demanding political change, but became an armed insurgency when Assad’s regime unleashed a brutal crackdown.
Many months into the fighting, jihadists began to flock to Syria where upwards of 162,000 people have been killed and millions displaced in more than three years of conflict.

Paul Weston: The One-Way Street of Islamic Tolerance

The One-Way Street of Islamic Toleranceby Paul Weston
What constitutes religious bullying these days? Some would suggest crucifying Christians in Syria, burning down churches in Egypt or kidnapping Christian girls in Nigeria might adhere to the description of bullying, or at the very least failing to adhere to the guidelines related to Inculcating Inter-Faith Best Practice In the Workplace……
In Britain, we have a rather different interpretation; witness the case of NHS occupational therapist Victoria Wasteney, who has been disciplined for bullying a Muslim co-worker. Ms Wasteney’s heinous crimes against humanity started when Muslim X displayed an interest in the anti-human trafficking community work carried out by Ms Wasteney’s church, which needless to say resides not in a hideously white area but in wonderfully multicultural East London, which unfortunately suffers from human trafficking in a way, for example, mono-cultural Cornwall does not.
Anyway, Ms Wasteney invited Muslim X to a sports day organised by her church, which some might think is just what fostering inter-community relations is all about, but not it would appear, when a Muslim is invited to participate in the affairs of the infidel. Senior NHS management described this flagrant breach of multicultural ideals as being “inappropriate.”
Something else considered inappropriate was Ms Wasteney having the temerity to pray with Muslim X, who had come to her in tears about problems in her life. Muslim X appeared quite happy to allow this to happen, which is after all simply an act of Christian kindness directed toward someone genuinely unhappy. How very inappropriate in multi-faith, multicultural Britain is that!
Oddly enough, this is very much a one way street of inter-faith understanding. Non-Muslim children are actively encouraged (see video) to pop into mosques in order to understand Islam, or at least the milquetoast Islam put on display for naïve infidels. In fact, the Littleton Green Community School in Huntington, Staffordshire, warned parents who were against their nippers visiting a mosque with the following Orwellian threat:
“As part of the national religious education curriculum together with the multicultural community in which we live, it is a statutory requirement for primary school children to experience and learn about different cultures. A refusal to allow your child to attend (the mosque) will result in a Racial Discrimination note being attached to your child’s education record, which will remain on this file throughout their school career.”
In some cases native British children are forced to recite the Shahada, which is an intrinsic element in converting to Islam. However, the idea that Muslim children are required to visit a church to take part in Confirmation classes is clearly ridiculous and would never happen. This submission before Islam is nicely summed up by Ms Wasteney’s quivering appeasement when confronted about her dreadful, racist, Islamophobic behaviour. Quote:
“One of the earliest conversations I can recall was one in which she (Muslim X) said she had just moved to London. She felt that God had a real plan and a purpose for her, but I was very cautious because our environment is such that these things can be misconstrued and, with her being from a different faith background, I was mindful of being respectful of that”.
Do Muslims ever worry about being misconstrued? Are they mindful about those from a different faith background to whom they should show some respect? OK, you don’t need to answer that foolish question… fact, such is the one way street for respecting other cultures and faiths in Britain that merely standing up against aggressive Muslim intimidation makes one an ‘Islamophobe’ who should be immediately sacked, as in the case of Lebanese Christian Nohad Halawi who recently lost her job at Heathrow airport.
According to theGuardian, Ms Halawi says she was treated unfairly and sacked because of rumours she was “anti-Islam” after speaking out over bullying and intimidation by Muslim colleagues. She says she defended a fellow Christian employee who was mocked by Muslim workers for wearing a cross….. in England….can we rationally accept this is really happening?
And so this prostration before Islam goes on. You will note no Muslim is ever sacked for abusing a Christian who wears a cross, but Christians who object to being vilified for their belief are persecuted merely for asking Muslims to stop bullying them, or are disciplined for simply asking Muslims to take part in inter-faith activities.
You don’t need to be a dyed-in-the-wool-Islamophobe to notice the extreme unfairness in all the above. Can anyone really imagine Muslims in a Muslim country being treated the way Christians in Western countries are treated? The West – particularly Britain – is behaving in a distinctly abnormal and pathological manner when it comes to the preferential treatment for Islam and the concomitant persecution of the very people who helped make the West what it is.
There are countless other stories replicating those mentioned in this article. Muslims who attack native Englishmen and women are rarely found guilty of racial or religious hate crimes. Muslims are rarely sacked or disciplined for promoting their faith in the workplace; Muslims who burn poppies on Remembrance Sunday are given derisory fines; Muslims are able to chase British policemen down the road whilst shouting run kuffir, run at the retreating enforcers of the law. Muslims can hold up placards calling for death and destruction but are never prosecuted for inciting religious hatred – and whilst this is all going on, the non-Muslim native British find themselves second-class citizens in their own country having been betrayed utterly by the appeasing, no resistance on my watch, traitor class ruling elites.
This perverse double standard is the sign of a country, culture and people with no stomach for survival it would seem. Given the demographic rise of Islam in Britain, coupled with the increasing radicalisation of Muslim youth, survival is something we should really be thinking about, shouldn’t it? But whilst the treacherous elites continue to appease the intolerance of Islam, we must sadly conclude that those who will have to actually fight for survival will not be those who could have stopped it whilst it could be decisively stopped. Instead, it is our young children and the yet-to-be-born who will have to fight against a far stronger enemy in the future, and an enemy which at that point in time might just be too powerful to defeat.
I don’t want to bore readers with any more of this, but for those interested, please take a look at the Diversity and Equality guidelines, laid out by Ms Wasteney’s East London NHS Foundation. Read it and weep for what has happened to Britain and where it can only inevitably lead, and ask yourself just what this perverted attitude has to do with a supposedly apolitical National Health Service, when it instead reads as though it were penned by the propaganda arm of a genuine dictatorship with little sympathy for the natives within their own homeland:

Indonesia: Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” attack Roman Catholic Church during Sunday Mass

Indonesia: Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” attack Roman Catholic Church during Sunday Mass

By on Jun 30, 2014 
INDONESIA_-_Gereja_Pugeran_Yogyakarta“Talk about extreme, militant Islamists and the atrocities that they have perpetrated globally might undercut the positive achievements that we Catholics have attained in our inter-religious dialogue with devout Muslims.” — Robert McManus, Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts, February 8, 2013
Yet all that remaining mum about Muslim persecution of Christians, and all that glorious inter-religious dialogue, hasn’t prevented even one jihad attacks against a Christian church, has it?
Yogyakarta, to cries of ‘Allah is great’ unknown assailants attack Sacred Heart parish,” by Mathias Hariyadi
, AsiaNews, June 30, 2014 (thanks to Tom):
Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Another Catholic community is now under attack in Indonesia in a climate of increasing cases of violence and abuse against religious minorities.
The Parish of the Sacred Heart in Pugeran, in the South of Yogyakarta was targeted early yesterday morning by three different groups of unknown assailants on motorcycles. The attack took place during the first morning Mass: the authors, dressed in black with their faces covered by masks, broke through the parish gates shouting “Allah is great”.
The incident coincides with the start of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and prayer which officially began today in Indonesia, although it started on June 28th in most Muslim countries.
According to reports from Fr. Priya Pr, Sacred Heart parish priest, the unknown assailants targeted some objects and posters placed by members of the local Catholic community, most of which are only displayed on the weekend during the celebrations. The reasons behind the attack remain unknown; the authorities have tightened controls around the Christian place of worship, in fear of more attacks.
Last month in Yogyakarta, Islamic extremists attacked a group of Catholics gathered in prayer, beating up the community leader; a week later, Pastor Niko, leader of the Protestant Christian community, was targeted by extremists “accused” of having set up an “illegal” house of prayer without permission.
Yoguakarta, in central Java, has always been considered the most “pluralistic” center in the country, with dozens of universities and thousands of students from across the province. However, after decades of peaceful coexistence, episodes of sectarian violence have recently emerged, despite appeals for calm and peaceful coexistence from the Sultan (and governor) Hamengku Buwono X, a prominent figure in interreligious dialogue.
Indonesia is the most populous Muslim nation in the world. Increasingly however, it has become the scene of attacks or episodes of intolerance against minorities, whether they are Christians, Ahmadi Muslims or belong to other faiths.
Aceh is the only Indonesian province where Sharia (Islamic law) is enforced, following a peace agreement between the central government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Yet, in many other areas of the country (such as Bekasi and Bogor in West Java), a more radical and extreme vision of Islam is spreading among ordinary Indonesians.
Certain rules such as the infamous building permit (Izin Mendirikan Bangunan or IMB in Indonesian) have been used to prevent the construction of Christian places of worship or stop construction already underway, as was the case for the Yasmin Church in West Java.The constitution provides for freedom of religion, however, the Catholic community (3% of the population) is victim of incidents of violence and abuse.

Crucifix mandatory says Padua mayor

Crucifix mandatory says Padua mayor

Public buildings and schools to display city-donated symbol

 (foto: ANSA)
ANSA) - Padua, June 25 - The mayor of the northern city of Padua declared Wednesday that all public buildings must display a Catholic crucifix.
"Now every office and every school will get a nice mandatory crucifix donated by the city. Hands off the crucifixes or you will be in trouble", Mayor Massimo Bitonci, who is from the anti-immigrant Northern League party, wrote on his Facebook page.
He also posted a picture of himself at a 2009 sit-in while distributing free crucifixes in the nearby town of Abano Terme, where a public school had one removed upon request by a student's family.
While its 1948 Constitution says Italy is a secular State and that all religions are equal before the law, the government never explicitly abrogated decrees making crucifixes mandatory dating from the preceding Fascist regime.
As a result many hospitals, courts and schools still display the Catholic symbol.