Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"Those who are in Hell, they ended up there according to their own will.." -Vicka

I believe that many of you know that Jacov and I received this beautiful gift - this beautiful grace - that during an apparition Our Lady took us by the hand in order to show us paradise, purgatory and hell. In those three spots we stayed twenty minutes.

We were in Jakov's family home. Our Lady appeared and she said, "Now I will take you with me!" At that very moment little Jakov said, "Our Lady, take Vicka! She has many brothers and sisters. I'm the only one in the family!" Jakov thought they were leaving and never, ever coming back again. Personally [Vicka says] I thought in that moment, how many hours, how many days, are we going to go up or down? But Our Lady simply took my right hand, Jakov's left hand. She was in front of us and she took us with her. A ceiling opened above us just enough for us to be able to go through it. Practically within a second we found ourselves in Paradise.

It was enormous space. And I saw a kind of light that doesn't exist here on earth. And I saw a lot of people, and all of them more or less the same...no fat, no thin, and they had all three colors of their dresses, grey, yellow and rose....all of them walking around, singing, praying, and little angels flying over. And Our Lady said,"Look at how joyful, how content are all these who are in paradise - joy that you cannot explain with words...joy that doesn't exist here on earth."

Purgatory is also an enormous space. But in Purgatory you cannot see persons because of the dense fog. But you can feel and hear that there are people who are inside who are suffering. Our Lady said, "Those who are in Purgatory are waiting for our prayers to be able to go to Paradise."

The first thing that I saw in Hell was a big fire. Then I saw normal people entering in the fire. And the deeper they were going into fire they were being transformed into wild beasts and they would curse more and more against God. Our Lady said,"Those who are in Hell, they ended up there according to their own will. So all these people living on earth doing everything against God, they are already experiencing Hell, they just continue when they die." And Our Lady said there are many people who live on earth who believe that once you die everything is over. Our Lady says that's a big mistake because here on earth we are just passing through, but the true life continues.

Padre Pio Gruppi di Preghiera, Cammino Neocatecumenale, Rinnovamento Carismatico, Legione di Maria, l'Opus Dei, tutte le comunità religiose, i sacerdoti diocesani ... interpretare l'Islam e le altre religioni con una irrazionalità

Padre Pio Gruppi di Preghiera, Cammino Neocatecumenale, Rinnovamento Carismatico, Legione di Maria, l'Opus Dei, tutte le comunità religiose, i sacerdoti diocesani ... interpretare l'Islam e le altre religioni con una irrazionalità.

 Quando Concilio Vaticano II referisce al salvezza cioè nell'ignoranza invincibile (LG 16), la comunione imperfetta con la Chiesa (UR 3), semi del Verbo (AG 11), le cose buone e sante in altre religioni (NA 2) sono uno di due. Sono posso interpretare con la colonna Sinistra or Destra:-

SINISTRA COLONNA ...........................DESTRA COLONNA

implicita                                                   o esplicita per noi.
ipotetica                                                   o conosciuto nella realtà.

invisibile                                                   o visibile nella carne.
de jure (in principio)                                 o de facto (di fatto, in fatto).
soggettivo                                                 o oggettivo.
Così si può scegliere tra la sinistra colonnala colonna di destra.

Se si sceglie la colonna destra lato il Concilio Vaticano II contraddice il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, il Sillabo di Errori di Papa Pio IX e Tradizione in generale su altre religioni e comunità cristiane. Ci sono delle eccezioni conosciute nel 2014 al dogma sulla salvezza esclusiva nella Chiesa Cattolica.  Morti sono salvato e visible a noi.Tutti non devono convertire in la Chiesa Cattolica nel 2014.

Se la colonna sinistra è scelto quindi il Concilio Vaticano II non contraddice il dogma  extra  ecclesiam nulla salus, né la Tradizione sull'Islam e le altre religioni. Tutti hanno bisogno di convertire nel 2014 nella Chiesa Cattolica per andare in Paradiso ed evitare l'inferno.

La maggior parte delle persone interpretano il Concilio Vaticano II, con valori in la destra .La colonna irrazionale.

Così il battesimo di desiderio e di essere salvati nell'ignoranza invincibile era mai un'eccezione per l'interpretazione letterale e tradizionale di Don Leonard Feeney, a meno che non si sta usando il lato destro colonne.Erano  sono eccezioni.

Nel 2014-2015 i Gruppi di Preghiera di Padre Pio, Cammino Neocatecumenale, Rinnovamento Carismatico, tutte le comunità religiose e la maggior parte dei sacerdoti diocesani utilizzano colonna irrazionale nell'interpretazione del Concilio Vaticano II. I  laici hanno accettato la teologia base sul una irrazionalita- la capacità di vedere fisicamente i morti sulla terra!

Loro hanno una scelta. Possono interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II con il lato sinistro colonna. Concilio Vaticano sarà quindi in accordo con il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, come è stato interpretato dai Don Leonard Feeney , i Concili della Chiesa, papi e santi.
-Lionel Andrades

Padre Pio Prayer Groups, Neo Catechumenal Way, Charismatic Renewal, Legion of Mary,Opus Dei, all the religious communities, Diocesan priests...interpret Islam and other religions with an irrationality

Vatican Council II on Muslims

What the Traditional Mass Means to Me -James Kalb, convert

James Kalb

tridentine mass
by James Kalb
I came to the Church through the Traditional Latin Mass.
I would have converted anyway. It was becoming more and more obvious that the Church was where I belonged, and it seemed pointlessly obstinate and even artificial to remain apart from her. But the Traditional Mass made the situation clearer, because it made it more obvious what the Church is.
It is easy for present-day Americans to get that point wrong. The Catechism and the Second Vatican Council say that the Mass is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The claim seems odd to most of us today. Americans usually think religion has to do with spirituality, which we see as personal and rather vague, with moral commitment, whether defined as “family values” or as “social justice,” or with joining a community of mutual concern, acceptance, and support. Even if we accept in theory that the religion to which we claim to adhere is something much more definite, it goes against the grain to treat the definite part as more than decorative. After all, doctrine divides, and we’re all pragmatists, so why emphasize that side of things?
If you look at religion that way a worship service becomes something like a lecture, pep rally, self-help meeting, or social get-together. Other people do those things at least as well as Catholics, so why bother with Catholicism? Why not go with something even more modern and American than the New Mass as presented in the average suburban parish? Why not do praise and worship at a megachurch?
The Traditional Mass made it clear that the Mass is something different from all that. The formality, the silences, the use of an ancient language, the orientation and gestures of the priest, the indifference to popularity—all those things meant the Mass wasn’t anything like an ordinary meeting. It wasn’t about the people present, and at bottom it wasn’t even their doing. To the contrary, those present evidently understood what was going on as awe-inspiring, mostly invisible, and dependent on someone other than themselves. There was no other way to make sense of how they were acting.
So the Traditional Mass made it clear that there’s a basic dimension in Catholic Christianity, the reliable concrete presence of God, that I couldn’t find anywhere else. That realization clarified what the Church is—she is the way God maintains a visible presence in the world—and the necessity of becoming part of her for those who want to live a complete life.
We’ve been hearing a lot about mercy lately. That’s good, because mercy is the whole of Christianity. We’ve fallen away from God, and his mercy is his readiness to reach out to us to help us come back to him. So whatever makes it easier for people to understand the means of mercy and make use of them helps the mission of the Church.
The Mass, in which God becomes present to us in the most concrete way imaginable, is an extreme case of His mercy. The Traditional Mass makes it as evident as possible what is going on when it is celebrated. That feature helps people recognize and accept what is offered, and eliminates the barrier to mercy that arises when the nature of the Mass is obscured.
In the divine mercy it is God who defines the way and makes the first move. That means that we don’t form the Mass, it forms us, and the Traditional Mass makes that clear. It is what it is, so it’s the same for young and old, rich and poor, happy and sad, saints and sinners, Irishmen and Brazilians. It’s a Mass for all seasons that joins Catholics every place it is celebrated with other Catholics all over the world and throughout the ages. It works for all of them, because it has to do with what they all have in common: they’re human beings who are born and die, who go astray, and who hope to see God.
Which leads to another benefit of the Traditional Mass: it helps the Church see herself as a whole, as the same always and everywhere, and it unites the Church on earth with the Church in heaven in a special way. Relics of the saints help us feel their presence and communion as a reality. The Traditional Mass is a relic of the saints whose images are in the niches and on the walls, and who surround us when it is celebrated, because so many of them worshiped through the same Mass or something close to it when they were visibly here among us.
This discussion started as a conversion story, and every conversion has its more personal aspects, so I should also mention benefits the Traditional Mass had for me in particular. The New Mass, especially the earlier translation, was very close to the Episcopalian eucharistic service I was used to before becoming Catholic. The two had evidently been designed to be as similar as possible. That was a problem for me.
What the intentional similarity suggested to me was that the New Mass didn’t give nearly so distinctively Catholic a view of things. I won’t claim that view was fair or that I knew more about the needs of the Church than Bl. Paul VI did, but that was what I saw. The New Mass looked to me like it had been produced less by saints and the sensus fidei fidelium than by an interdenominational committee of credentialed experts and then modified in accordance with the demands of particular communions. For that reason I found it hard to trust unreservedly. It seemed to have been produced in cooperation with people I had good reason not to trust and wanted very much to escape from.
The Traditional Mass did away with that problem. It was something I knew I could rely on because it came out of Catholic devotion that saints and ordinary believers had lived by for hundreds of years. It made the Mass a no-spin zone that let me forget about the factions bedeviling the Church during the current period of her history and helped me see the Mass as the action of God through His Church.
To summarize a somewhat rambling and personal account, it seems to me that the Traditional Latin Mass helps believers and the Church, because it helps believers see what the Mass and Church are all about. It helps people see the Mass as more than an ordinary assembly and the Church as more than a collection of individuals with varying tendencies and idiosyncrasies. So it helps the Church reach people with what she has to offer. It also helps the Church see herself as One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, and so helps focus her on her nature and mission. What could be better, or more Catholic, than all that?

Now when he was informed the cardinal was not willing to say that the Syllabus of Errors was in perfect agreement with Vatican Council II

About 12 years back I spoke to a Sri Lankan bishop, now a cardinal, at the Propaganda Fide building in Rome and he told me at his office that the Syllabus of Errors was no longer applicable for today.It took me by surprise and I mentioned this to my bishop,who smiled and said nothing.
For this cardinal, my bishop and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, at that time, the Syllabus of Errors was meaningless.Since they were all interpreting Vatican Council II with the dead man walking and visible theory, what I  also call the irrational inference, the false premise, the visible dead theory, appartion theology, Cushingism etc.
They all, had  also accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949,assuming that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance referred to known and visible cases.Here we have the dead man saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water and visible on the streets of Rome.The visible dead phenomena.Traditional Cushingism and the common irrationality which is accepted even by conservative bishops and cardinals in Rome.
Dec.8,2014 according to Rorate Caeili was the anniversary of the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.
If we did not use the dead man walking and visible theory, apparition theology based on an irrationality, we could simply interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and in a rational way.Vatican Council II would then not contradict the Syllabus of Errors.
LG 16 ( saved in invincible ignorance) for example, would not refer to a visible and known case in 2014. LG 16 would not contradict the Syllabus of Errors.It would be the same with LG 8, UR 3 ,NA 2 etc.
I think it was last year that I e-mailed the cardinal. I asked him the TWO QUESTIONS.I had to correspond with his secretary a Sri Lankan priest.The cardinal never responded. He was not willing to say, at least in public, that he did not know of any exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus . In other words there were no exceptions to the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.He is a conservative cardinal otherwise but he was using the irrational premise, like the liberals, in the interpretation of Church-documents.Now when informed he was not willing to say that the Syllabus of Errors was in perfect agreement with Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades

My theology is traditional.Yours is Cushingism. Yours is irrational.

Here is an e-mail I sent out today.It could also be sent to most sedevacantists and traditionalists. They use Cushingism and assume it is traditional and de fide.
My theology is traditional.
Yours is Cushingism. Yours is irrational.It is also the common error in the Church and so your confused. All the 'experts' support you.I do not disagree on this point.
However there is an Archbishop, Catholic priests and the American apologist John Martigioni who support me.

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson contradicts USCCB : the baptism of desire is not visible to us and so is not an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus


Would you be critical of them too ?
There is also the Dean of Theology at the Benedictine Pontifical University of St.Anselm in Rome who supports me.



-Lionel Andrades

Heartbreaking: Remains of Babies Killed in Abortion are Inhumanely Trashed or Incinerated


by Sarah Terzo | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com 
(LiveActionNews) — Pro-lifers have employed many strategies to drive abortion clinics out of business, and have had tremendous success within the past few years. One thing that pro-life activists haven’t tried as frequently is regulating what abortion clinics do with the bodies of the babies they abort.
Monica Migliorino Miller, in her book Abandoned, talks about how she and fellow activists started a crusade against a pet cemetery that was incinerating the bodies of aborted babies along with those of cats and dogs. Her efforts shone a spotlight on the grisly business of abortion and led to the end of the practice of burning babies along with animals in the pet cemetery’s crematorium.
I am also reminded of the single person who closed an abortion clinic by pressuring a lab company to stop working with the clinic. Sometimes putting (peaceful) pressure on companies that serve abortion clinics can have an impact.
From a Businessweek article that discusses recent laws against abortion:
burningwaste3Senate Bill No. 54 would require fetal remains to be cremated or buried separately from other medical waste and make noncompliance a felony punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment or a fine of up to $5,000, or both.
Soon after the bill was introduced, Renée Chelian, a petite 61-year-old who opened her first abortion clinic in suburban Detroit in 1976, called every funeral director and cremation company in the metropolitan area to see if they’d be willing to handle fetal remains from her clinics. Most told her no. When she finally found one willing to comply with the guidelines, the quoted price was $250 per disposal—“…..
“I don’t want them to start harassing you,” she says. “Do you have any vehicle you can pick up in that doesn’t have your name?” Yes, the man replies. “I mean, it’s your business and you have to do what you have to do, but I don’t want to lose you as a contractor because you had the name on your truck.” She hangs . “Without medical waste pickup, we’re in trouble.”
Indeed. Without something to do with the dead bodies of the babies they kill, abortion clinics cannot stay in business. Some have resorted to throwing their babies in the trash, but this has become problematic because a number of pro-lifers have taken the bodies and buried them in funeral ceremonies that drew negative attention to the clinics and gave those pesky pro-lifers ammunition in the battle to end abortion.
So perhaps it would be valuable to find out whether your local abortion clinic has an agreement with a funeral home in the area, or whether they incinerate the remains or dispose of them in some other way. They have to hire someone to take away the medical waste and the dead babies. Putting pressure on that company, perhaps by starting a petition, organizing a letter writing campaign, or calling for a boycott, could have a big impact.
In addition, laws regulating how the remains of babies must be treated not only gives a small amount of dignity to the babies, but can work to hinder abortion clinics as well.
LifeNews.com Note: Sarah Terzo is a pro-life liberal who runs ClinicQuotes.com, a web site devoted to exposing the abortion industry. She is a member of the pro-life groups PLAGAL and Secular Pro-Life. Follower her on Twitter. Reprinted from LiveActionNews.

Newborn Baby Was Set on Fire and Left for Dead, But She Survived


by Steven Ertelt | Swaziland, Africa | LifeNews.com |
In a horrific case of attempted infanticide in Africa, a newborn baby was thrown into a pit by her mother, set on fire and left for dead.
But, miraculously, Baby Shirley, born in Swaziland, Africa, survived and now she is in the hands of a loving couple who don’t see a person’s value in how perfect they look or the perceived quality of their life.
Now, she is in the United States and being cared for by a Missouri couple who brought the little girl back to the U.S. for a lifesaving surgery. Raelenna and Jeremy Ferguson are missionaries to Africa and they are still surprised they were able to care for Shirley.
But why would a mother do that to her own baby and how did the American family get to help Shirley?
babyshirley“There’s extreme poverty and a high HIV rate,” Raelenna Ferguson said. “We can’t explain why she did it.”
Swaziland police took the woman into custody and the baby to the hospital, and then to prison where even though the mom attempted to kill her, she still had to care for her.
“That’s just how it is in that country,” Raelenna Ferguson said.
That’s when Heart for Africa stepped in, a mission with a base in Cape Girardeau. They have a home for babies where the infant would be cared for for life, but without surgery they knew Shirley would die.
“For her to eat and breathe at the same time, it’s almost impossible,” she said.
Needed procedures weren’t available in Africa.
That’s when Ferguson said the miracles started to happen.
With one email, an organization called Global Medical Relief Fund agreed to provide free life saving surgery and care for little Shirley, but she had to make it to the United States. Another near impossibility.
“Because the country of Swaziland does not allow international adoptions,” Jeremy Ferguson explained. “I don’t know how unprecedented it is, but from what we’ve talked about with people in the country, this just doesn’t happen.”