Friday, January 9, 2015

Archdiocese of Trento could call attention to the Kaaba being made of stone and the Quran of paper

A 67 year old Morroccan destroyed a statue of our lady and damaged the altar at the church Santa Maria Assunta in Cles, in the Archdiocese of Trento,Italy.May be he thought we worship idols.
Sunnis and other Muslims go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and circle a large stone.Even the statue of Our Lady is made of stone, just like the stone- Kaaba, draped in black.We know that the statue is not an idol, as much as Muslims would not consider the Kaaba a stone idol.
What was his objection to the Blessed Mother ?
When Muslims begin and end their prayers they recite the name of a man. Mohammad is not God.Even in the call for prayers to Allah they need to take the name of a man.
They say that there is only one God, Allah, yet they mean Allah would have to accepted along with Mohammad.Converts have to accept Allah according to Mohammad. It is not Allah alone.
Qadianis(Mirzaities) believe in  Allah and Mohammad.They are in prison in Islamic countries under the Blasphemy Law. The Qadianis accept Allah. They do not believe Mohammad is the last prophet.They use the same Quran as the other Muslims. Yet they are considered to have blasphemed.The are called Mirzaities after the name of their last prophet.The Mirzaities are in jail even though they believe in Allah,Mohammad and the Quran.
So it is not enough for Muslims, that one accepts Allah.It must be Allah according to Mohammad ,who must also be accepted as the last prophet of Allah.
An Iraqi Syro priest recently told the BBC that he would have no problem in afiirming Allah ( the one Creator) but the way the slogan Allah o Akbar is being used by others, frightens him.
The Archdiocese of Trent could call attention to the Kaaba being made of stone and the Quran of paper before there is another attack.
-Lionel Andrades

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