Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chaplains at the pontifical universities in Rome disagree

An Opus Dei priest, Father Pedro Luis de Huidobro, the chaplain of the University of the Sacred Cross(Santa Croce), Rome agreed there could be persons who have not had the Gospel preached to them and who are in invincible ignorance. These persons can be saved and we do not know any such case.(I spoke with him  in 2013) So they are not exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They are not explicit exceptions.
  He said all need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation in the present times and there are no known exceptions.Invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are not exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and neither to Ad Gentes 7.
He contradicts what is being taught to young lay Catholics in theology classes in Italian conducted by the Rome Vicariate's Ecclesia Mater.He is however in agreement with Fr.Marco Hausmann FSSP and Fr.Stefano Visintin OSB.1
The Opus Dei Chaplain disagrees with other chaplains at pontificial universities in Rome.
-Lionel Andrades
Fr.Marco Hausmann FSSP, Fr.P. Stefano Visintin OSB say there are no exceptions to the dogma, Cardinal Valliani's Vicariate says there are

Opus Dei Chaplain contradicts Dean of Theology

Opus Dei what does the Catholic Church teach?


Opus Dei responds


Head of the Department of Dogmatic Theology at the Opus Dei University in Rome is still protecting his interests


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