Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fr.William Most and Mons. Joseph Clifford Fenton assumed that there were exceptions to the dogma. So they were wrong at the onset.

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist
Mighty Joe Young:
Father William Most, combatted the heresy of Feeney
Fr.William Most assumed that there are exceptions to the dogma which are known and visible to us.So he was wrong at the onset.His writings then went on to support this irrational proposition.
Otherwise he was a good apologist and I appreciate his work.


O, and one last thing. What evidence is there that Feeney was actually reconciled in that ceremony in that book store? As Michael Mazza noted
Michael Mazza makes the same error as Fr.Most. So I would be aware of this when reading what he writes.
He is trying to defend an irrational position.

After Archbishop Cushing suspended Fr. Feeney and placed the Center under interdict,
Yes, they were placed under interdict for not saying that there were known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They would not say that the ghosts Cardinal Cushing could see were also visible to them.

nearly all of the St. Benedict Center community's one hundred members formed a "religious order" called the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and then moved out to Still River, Massachusetts, where the community eventually broke down into warring factions, a few of which have been since reconciled to the Church.
They are reconciled with liberal bishops who allege that in Vatican Council II there are known and visible exceptions to the dogma.So the bishops of Boston, Worcester and Manchester reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus because of allegedly being able to see deceased-exceptions to the dogma. This passes for Catholicism in New England,USA.

Mighty Joe Young:

Father Fenton on Suprema Haec Sacra

The Holy Office letter also teaches that "no implicit intention can produce its effect [of eternal salvation] unless the man has supernatural faith."

Lionel:Yes and this has nothing to do with the dogma.

 Here it is imperative to remember that the document speaks of that faith which is defined by the Vatican Council as "the supernatural virtue by which, with the impulse and aid of God's grace, we believe the things He has revealed to be true, not because of their intrinsic truth, seen in the natural light of reason, but because of the authority of God Himself revealing, Who can neither be deceived nor deceive." This is the faith which the same Vatican Council described as "the beginning of human salvation".
Again I would say that this is acceptable but please don't posit it as an exception.


In the text of the Suprema haec sacra we are reminded that the need for this supernatural faith holds true even where there is merely an implicit desire to enter the Church.

 In other words, it is possible to have a man attain salvation when he has no clear-cut notion of the Church, and desires to enter it only insofar as he wills to do all the things God wills that he should do...
Fine accepted as a hypothetical case.Though not relevant to the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.


When the desire is merely implicit, then a man's faith in the divinely revealed truths about the Church is likewise implicit...
O.K. We get the point.But when the Holy Office Letter infers that this case is an exception to the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center then it is irrational and non traditional.

If a man is to be saved, he must accept as true, on the authority of God revealing, the teaching which God has communicated to the world as His public and supernatural message.
The following, then, are the explicit lessons brought out in the text of the Suprema haec sacra:
(1) The teaching that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church is a dogma of the Catholic faith.

Yes and the dogma does not mention any exceptions and is in agreement with Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center.The letter supports Fr.Feeney here

(2) This dogma has always been taught, and will always be taught, infallibly by the Church's magisterium.
Yes and it did not mention any exception.

(3) The dogma must be understood and explained as the Church's magisterium understands and explains it.
Yes according to the Church's magisterium before 1949.
After 1949 it is inferred that there are known and visible exceptions to the traditional interpretation.

(4) The Church is necessary for salvation with both a necessity of precept and a necessity of means.
Yes and this has nothing to do with the interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. Since only God can distinguish between the necessity of precept and means.Everyone needs the baptism of water in the present times for salvation and we do not know any exception according to necessity of precept or means.

5) Because the Church is necessary for salvation with the necessity of precept, any person who knows the Church to have been divinely instituted by Our Lord and yet refuses to enter it or to remain within it cannot attain eternal salvation.
This would be judged by God.The Holy Office infers that there are visible exceptions so it mentions necessity of precept and means.This is as if we can know such cases in real life.

(6) The Church is a general and necessary means for salvation, not by reason of any intrinsic necessity, but only by God's Own institution, that is, because God in His merciful wisdom has established it as such.
According to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II (AG 7) all need faith and baptism to avoid the fires of Hell. This is how God chose it.
Presently the majority of mankind are on the way to Hell since they die without faith and baptism.
Protestants and Orthodox Christians have the baptism of water but not Catholic Faith which includes the interpretation of the Gospels, the faith and moral teachings of the Church and the Sacraments through which God saves.

(7) In order that a man may be saved "within" the Church, it is not always necessary that he belong to the Church in re, actually as a member, but it can sometimes be enough that he belong to it as one who desires or wills to be in it. In other words, it is possible for one who belongs to the Church only in desire or in voto to be saved.
Yes it is possible hypothetically,but defacto every one needs to be a formal member of the Church(with faith and baptism) for salvation. This is the teaching of the dogma and Vatican Council II(AG 7) and we do not, and cannot, know of any objective exceptions.
This should have been clarified by the Holy Office -unless they assumed that there are defacto exceptions.


(8) It is possible for this desire of entering the Church to be effective, not only when it is explicit, but also (when the person is invincibly ignorant of the true Church) even when that desire or votum is merely implicit.
Yes and this case would not be a defacto exception to all needing to be formal members of the Church for salvation, as held by Fr.Leonard Feeney.


(9) The Mystici Corporis reproved both the error of those who teach the impossibility of salvation for those who have only an implicit desire of entering the Church, and the false doctrine of those who claim that men may find salvation equally in every religion.
'the impossibility of salvation for those who have only an implicit desire of entering the Church'.This is a hypothetical case. It would always be unknown and invisible for us. So what has this to do with the traditional interpretation of the dogma according to the St.Benedict Center and Fr.Leonard Feeney?


(10) No desire to enter the Church can be effective for salvation unless it is enlightened by supernatural faith and animated or motivated by perfect charity.
O.K but here the Holy Office implies that this is an objective case and is relevant.
They should have clarified here that they were referring to a hypothetical person.
They seemed confused and let confusion pass on to the rest of the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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