Monday, January 19, 2015

I don't expect Muslims to say that Catholicism is a true religion. And I hardly think they would be shocked or insulted to hear that I think that Islam is a false religion

I don't expect Muslims to say that Catholicism is a true religion. And I hardly think they would be shocked or insulted to hear that I think that Islam is a false religion. The falsity has consequences, and we must take those consequences as seriously as the Muslims, from their own perspective, take them.-Joseph Shaw
There are Catholics who don't want society to be reformed in accordance with God's will, but the teaching of the Church is clear. Christ must be the king of society, His reign must be over states as well as individuals. If there are laws which don't accord with God's will, they are unjust and Catholics must struggle to change them. It is an obligation particularly laid upon the laity - or so says Vatican II...
What I want to say again and again is that the demands of Islam must be considered and rejected - if we are going to reject them - on their merits as substantive demands. Since in many cases they are based on theological claims, that means assessing the validity of those claims. The secularists are desperate not to cede the validity of theological arguments, but their position is incoherent. If theological arguments are sound, they should be listened to. If they are unsound, we need to hear why.

There is a good reason not to impose Sharia Law on England. It is not because it is 'religious', nor because it is 'against human rights'. If it really came from God these arguments would have zero weight. The argument against Sharia Law is that it is not from God: that it is a false revelation. This can be shown by arguments based on Natural Law as well as by arguments for the truth of the Christian revelation. These are arguments we need to make, and to hear.

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