Sunday, January 11, 2015

Patrick Archbold cannot defend his position on the Dallas blog

2. Baseballmom - January 10, 2015
So my NO pastor keeps saying that EENS was declared to be a heresy by the Church… Where would THAT be coming from? I want to challenge him on this but do not know where to start…
Rebecca Joan - January 10, 2015
from his loony mind lmao Outside the Church there is no salvation is a dogma of the Church and it has been repeated many many times. Baptism of desire or blood is NOT a dogma of the Church, it is a theory at best, heterodox at worst. Myself I lean toward it being a ridiculous theory that only encourages people to not evangelize and it needs to go.
Tim Thunell - January 11, 2015
Ask him which pope or council declared it a heresy. Where’s it coming from?…..his own modernism…..which is a heresy. Do yourselfa favor….stay clear of the Novus Ordo at all costs.
richardmalcolm1564 - January 11, 2015
Ask him to cite his source.
3. Patrick Archbold - January 10, 2015
Personally, I am all for a more forceful presentation of EENS. I used the Feeney line as shorthand for an absolutist position, but perhaps that is unfair.
4. Terrye Newkirk - January 11, 2015

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