Monday, January 5, 2015

Please be consistent and say that the Church Councils, popes, saints and Vatican Council II (AG 7) were also in heresy for saying the same thing as Fr.Leonard Feeney

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Dear Mr. Andrades.

It has already issued a clarification on this common (and thus infallible in the OM) teaching but you, (like Feeney and the rest of his sinful acolytes) refuse to accept it and you will reject any and all future clarifications of EENS unless it agrees with the Feeney Heresy - which it will never do.

MJ refuses to even address your polemical ploy about visible this and invisible that as that is not visible in the instructions/clarifications/teaching on the Holy Office which has been posted in here.

You are in a state of serious sin by your continuing succoring and promotion of the Feeney heresy and it is you, not Catholic Tradition, that needs correction.

Repent while you still have time, Mr Andrades for in denying doctrine, you are placing your own self outside the Church and you do not want to die EENS.

M.J, will not have any further exchange with you but he will pray that you publicly repudiate your support for this heresy

  1. Please be consistent and say that the Church Councils, popes, saints and Vatican Council II (AG 7) were also in heresy for saying the same thing as Fr.Leonard Feeney.
  2. -Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 4, 2015

It is a fact of life that we cannot see the dead on earth. It is a fact of life that we cannot see or know any exceptions to the dogma.

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