Monday, January 19, 2015

Pro-Abortion Web Site Attacks Men Who Regret Urging Their Partner to Have Abortion

by Sarah Zagorski | Washington, DC | | 1/16/15 12:38 PM

In the world of “choice,” women and men who choose abortion experience zero regret or pain; and then when they share their stories we’re expected to agree with their decision and honor them for their bravery. However, when someone shares that they regret their abortion and that it was damaging to their mental health, they’re immediately blacklisted.
For example, a recent article on ridicules and dismisses a video that shares the stories of three men who regret participating and conceding to their partner’s abortion. The video titled, “The Apology,” was created by Heroic Media and highlights the need for male responsibility when it comes to abortion.
In the article, the author Anna Merlan laments, “There is a strong undertone here that abortion causes wracking guilt and depression: while these three men might have difficulty reconciling their religious beliefs with their partners’ decision to choose abortion, the best research gathered by the Guttmacher Institute shows clearly that abortion doesn’t cause mental health issues.”
postabortion9First, the Guttmacher Institute was founded as a division of Planned Parenthood and is named after Alan Guttmacher, a past Planned Parenthood president. So, in other words, we can’t trust them to give an unbiased report on the issue.
The truth is there is substantial evidence that indicates that post-abortive men suffer silently after abortion. Additionally, according to the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, men who are opposed to abortion but supported their partners’ decision may have an immediate reaction to the death of their child. They may feel sadness, grief, anger and a sense of not being able to protect their offspring
Brian Fisher, the President of Online for Life commented on the consequences of abortion for men. He said, “We are just now considering, though, that we victimize ourselves. Depression, guilt, shame, a loss of self, a loss of honor, and destroyed relationships are common male consequences of abortion. In our heart of hearts, we are coming to grips with what we’re doing. We are willfully taking the lives of those we are wired to protect.”
One of the men in the video, Shane Idleman, was featured on LifeNews last week for sharing his story. He said, “Approximately 23 years ago, as a prodigal, I conceded to my girlfriends request to abort our child around the 5th week of conception. The pain of that decision still haunts me today. What would they look like? Was it a boy or a girl? I can picture walking and talking with my child…watching his or her first steps…holding them when they cry and rejoicing with them when they succeed. But these are just dreams in my mind; dreams often leave me heartbroken. Regret is one of the hardest pains to deal with because it is a constant reminder that we failed…failed God, others, and the aborted child.
He concludes, “Groups such as Planned Parenthood say that there are little, if any emotional scars for the women involved…the baby is just tissue. This is very deceptive—the emotional scars can last a lifetime. And it’s not just women who feel the pain, the men often carry tremendous guilt as well.”
Now churches are being encouraged to share the video with their congregations during Sanctity of Life Sunday, which is coming up on January 18th. Although there are some people who don’t want post-abortive men and women sharing their negative experiences, it’s critical that the pro-life movement continues revealing the consequences associated with abortion.
One post-abortive woman expressed her appreciation for the video on YouTube. She said, “As a woman who aborted her child, mainly because the father of the baby didn’t want the responsibility of the baby, your apology will help many women hurting from aborting their babies. My baby’s father refuses to acknowledge his part of the pain I have endured from aborting our baby. There will be women who will claim you have no right to say what you are saying, but I want you to know they don’t speak for those of us who get it. Again thank you so much!!!”
Watch the video below and please share with your friends and family!

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