Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pro-Life Video: Life is Never Picture Perfect and That’s What Makes Life Beautiful

Amazing Pro-Life Video: Life is Never Picture Perfect and That’s What Makes Life Beautiful

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | 
Ryan Bomberger, the talented head of the Radiance Foundation and a LifeNews blogger, has released an amazing new pro-life video.
ryanbomberger31He will be debuting a powerful new video he created at the upcoming pro-life event in Los Angeles called OneLifeLA. “Never Picture Perfect” is a new 60 second video ad that raises the issue that when those who are considered “imperfect” are discarded, the frames of our lives are emptier.
“Life is never picture perfect. And that’s what makes it so beautiful,” explains Bomberger who is an adoptee and adoptive father. “I was born as a result of rape, yet my courageous biological mother chose life and made a loving plan of adoption. We all find throughout our lives that we are stronger than our perceived or actual circumstances.”
Ryan laments how California leads the nation in the number of abortions. Over 200,000 are aborted each year in the Golden State.
He says abortion never reduces poverty, never protects human life, and never solves the circumstances that lead to “unplanned” pregnancies. So while life is never picture perfect, that’s what makes life beautiful.

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