Saturday, January 10, 2015

Something You Can Easily Do From Home Saved This Baby From Abortion

by Kristan Hawkins | Washington, DC | 

January is always a tough month for the pro-life movement – Planned Parenthood usually releases its annual report at the end of the year with horrifying numbers of how many abortions they have done and we commemorate two US Supreme Court decisions that made abortion legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy for any reason at all.
But over here at Students for Life, we just got some incredibly good news: our first baby save of 2015!
And this baby save is specifically due to the positive images on social media that this young mother saw and that she heard pro-life groups can help her.
Check out this email:
“A freshman at a community college a couple hours from [Mississippi State University] knew about our group through social media shares. She was an acquaintance of mine through group projects in a high school class a couple of years ago. She sent me a message with a picture of her positive test, ‘Hey…I’m pregnant and I know you’re pro-life and real involved in that. I wanna keep my baby. But I need help…Like I just don’t see how it would work. I heard pro-life groups would help me? Idk… I just need help…
“A couple days later we took a trip together to the Jackson area [pregnancy resource center]. [I] gave her a donated fetal development book for moms and some [Students for Life] hand-outs on her rights at school and her baby’s 8-week-old development. She was shocked to learn about the already-beating heart. Her appointment went well and she said she is praying for her baby every 5 minutes. She has a lot of fear and questions, but said she feels ‘supported’ to know I will be with her to see her baby for the first time at her sonogram appointment and “appreciative” of everything I could give her.
Thank you so much to Students for Life and Online for Life for creating images that I could share on social media that CHANGED this girl’s outlook on her pregnancy. They made her feel she could trust me and come to me without knowing me very well. I’ll never underestimate the power of a [Students for Life] image again. –Anja”
If you follow any of our social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr, you know how much stock we put in good, positive images. We want everyone to like and share them. We create them for that purpose.
Images are worth so much more than words and to know that our images have had this effect on a young mom – so much so that she CHOOSE LIFE for her baby – is priceless. So don’t be afraid to share our images with your friends. You may never know the impact that little choice you made will have.
Feel free to use the images below or the ones found on our Facebook, Instagram, tumblr and Twitter profiles.

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