Saturday, January 3, 2015

St.Benedict Centers USA keep affirming Vatican Council II but not like the SSPX or the liberal bishops

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
I think that the St.Benedict Centers (Richmond N.H and Still River, MA) must continue to affirm Vatican Council II. They must affirm Pope Benedict's hermeneutic of continuity but with no passages in the Council  contradicting 'the rigorist interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They have to avoid the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) position of rejecting Vatican Council II and also stay away from the other extreme i.e the liberals interpreting the Council with an irrational proposition( premise) which results in a false conclusion, which is a break with Tradition.
This would also mean rejecting the interpretation of the Council according to the bishops of Worcester, Manchester and Boston.
So if grilled from either side the St.Benedict Centers, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary would say that they accept Vatican Council II in its entirety, and in agreement with the interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.There is no ambiguity for them. There are no passages which contradict traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Things couldn't be better for them.
They are as my friend Ian would say, 'on a good wicket'.
A Brother Francis Package
They have to explain :-
1.LG 16,LG8,UR 3,NA 2 etc refer to those saved as such and with the baptism of water.
2.Vatican Council II no where says that these cases must be saved without the baptism of water.Since they are hypothetical cases for us, we can assume traditionally, that they will be saved with the baptism of water.
3.Since they are hypothetical cases they are known only to God and so cannot be defacto exceptions in 2015, to all needing the baptism of water and Catholic Faith (AG 7) for salvation,
So all the loose ends are tied. Vatican Council II is again for us rational and traditional and supporting Fr.Leonard Feeney and the original St.Benedict Center.
Pope Francis is our pope and he expects us to accept Vatican Council II. We do!!!
-Lionel Andrades

St.Benedict Centers - misleading

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