Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Still no denial from Edward Pentin

PopeFrancis_medI sent the second blog post to Edward Pentin.Still there is no comment from him.1
He has a Masters Degree in Applied Theology and is a Staff Writer for the National Catholic Register.He organises media events at the Vatican for Catholic liberals.
Would he offer his services to the SSPX ? Could he organise an event at the Vatican which would be pro-Society of St.Pius X? Of course not! Would he organise a conference on extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Fr.Leonard Feeney, which supports the 'Feeneyite' version of the dogma ?.No he cannot. Neither could there be  a program with the apologist Robert Sungenis speaking on Church and State not being separate.
There are restrictions .He is censored at the National Catholic Register and the Catholic Herald U.K.He cannot write on certain Catholic subjects.
So he will not discuss the Marchetti Letter.It  made an objective mistake and so  Vatican Council II is Feeneyite.Whoops!This is something unmentionable for him.There are no explicit exceptions mentioned in the Council to  the 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma. No contradictions! Sssshhhh! Don't tell!
He writes on his pro-business website : I will also consult on your behalf with a variety of trusted and reputable associates, from university professors and members of think tanks to Vatican officials and papal diplomats, to ensure that your enquiry is handled to the best possible standard.
Of course there are some subjects on which he will not consult.
Since he interviewed Cardinal Gerhard Muller 2 and Archbishop Augustine di Noia and asked them about extra ecclesiam nulla salus I have written to him pointing out the error in their statements. No comment from Edward Pentin. He does not want to clarify this with them.The theology is accepted.He too supports the liberal, political- left version of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
How could he say that the Marchetti Letter made a factual mistake and Fr.Leonard Feeney was correct? If he wrote the truth he could not work at the National Catholic Register any more.
So he maintains the 'professional silence' expected of him.
-Lionel Andrades
No denial from Edward Pentin
Cardinal Muller's doctrinal error placed on the Vatican website!

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