Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Church is still the Body and Bride of Christ, and there is no salvation outside of it. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

 A Jewish man emailed me announcing that he is ready to become a Christian and asked if I would please baptize him. Because proselytizing is NOT “solemn nonsense”. Like the Ethiopian eunuch and St. Philip, how can they possibly understand it if no one explains it to them??
Nipping this in the bud now, NO NO NO NO NO. When you are ready to enter the Church, you need to be baptized, after receiving convert instructions, by a priest. The Old (pre-1965-Asteroid impact) Baptismal Rite is a massively powerful sacrament, including all manner of minor exorcisms. I so regret not having been baptized and confirmed in the Old Rite. But, hey, it all worked out. While it is true that ANYONE can baptize, that latitude exists only because of God’s infinite mercy, especially in regards to emergency situations. A layperson should only baptize in a dire emergency, or if political oppression or some other grave circumstance makes baptism by a priest impossible.
And remember, the matter and form of baptism is to lave the head with true and natural water, whilst saying, “I baptize thee (or This person is baptized) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” And by “Father, Son and Holy Ghost”, one must mean the Triune Godhead, not “space alien #1, space alien #2 and space aliens #3 & #4″, as Mormons do, hence making their faux-baptisms ALL INVALID.
If you are ready to ‘git right wit’ the Lord, and enter His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, I would recommend finding and contacting a parish, or an individual priest that celebrates the Traditional Mass *that is in full communion with the Church*. Yes, even in these dark, rudderless days, you still want to be in FULL COMMUNION with the Church, which remember, is a SUPERNATURAL entity. No matter how bad the pope may be (because remember, we get the clergy and pope we deserve), the Church is still the Body and Bride of Christ, and there is no salvation outside of it. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Here are some resources for North America:

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
The Institute of Christ the King
Ecclesia Dei commission list of Traditional Masses


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