Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Exorcist talks about Satan’s ‘special hatred’ for women


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Exorcist Fr. Joseph Iannuzi talked about how real the devil is and how he especially preys on women.
QUEZON City, June 13, 2013—There really is something about Mary – and all other women – and the devil does not like it.
“I am quite familiar with Satan’s hatred toward Mary and therefore, toward women in general on account of Mary,” said Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, a Rome-based theologian and exorcist who has assisted the legendary Fr. Gabriel Amorth, former chief exorcist of Rome.
More possessed women than men
Fr. Iannuzzi explained how Satan is humiliated by the Blessed Virgin because she – someone so humble and pure — is the one assigned by God to defeat him.
Quoting Fr. Amorth, he said, women are more “easily exposed to the danger of the devil” and that statistics show, more women are possessed by evil spirits than men.
Fr. Iannuzzi testified to personally encountering numerous cases where women were forced to prostitute themselves because of demonic possession.
He said, the devil particularly likes preying on women who are “young and pleasing in appearance.”
Women’s rights, abortion
Other seemingly progressive developments like supposed women’s rights seem to trace their roots to something hardly human.
Since it is the devil’s plan to “ape God, to mock God,” according to Fr. Iannuzzi, he also “employs the woman in the destruction, the breakdown of the family nucleus.”
According to Filipinos for Life president AJ Perez, abortion, for example, is the antithesis of the Eucharist.
“In the Eucharist, God said, ‘This is my body, which will be given up for the salvation of all.’ In abortion, it’s opposite. The woman says, ‘This is my body, I alone have the right to it, I will not make that sacrifice, therefore someone has to die,” Perez explained.
While explaining that he is not putting the blame fair and square on women because of some intrinsic flaw, Fr. Iannuzzi said, these findings point to a diabolical loathing by substitution.
Cause of Satan’s fury
“[Satan] is like a mad man. He can’t get to Mary; she’s confirmed in grace, she defeated him. So he looks for other women,” said the priest, who was talking to more than a thousand at the Marian auditorium in Miriam College last Saturday.
Fr. Iannuzzi described demonic possessions of women as Satan “avenging himself” because of Mary’s role as described in the Protoevangelium or the first announcement of the Gospel.
He cited Genesis 3:15, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel” (Genesis 3:15) and how it foretells the manner of evil’s defeat.
Apparently, Satan cannot help but be envious of Mary’s “efficacious power that exceeds that of all other creatures.”
At odds with the devil’s attributes, the Blessed Virgin Mary is powerful because she is “totally abandoned to the will of God,” according to Fr. Iannuzzi. [Nirva’ana Ella Delacruz]

Exorcist claims women preferred targets for demonic infiltration

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