Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Faculty of Theology,Teresianum University, Rome accepts the Marchetti error : promotes Jacques Dupuis,Von Baltazar, Hick, Knitter,Sullivan and Hans Kung

The Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University Teresianum, Rome endorses the Marchetti error, the irrational inference.So they  interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This Carmelite university  promotes Von Baltazar, Jacques Dupuis,Hick and Knitter, according to the Handbook (2014).
There is a course taught by Fabrizio Bosin titled Towards a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism : paths, ideas and authors.(Verso una teologia cristiana del pluralismo religioso : percorsi,idee,autori .5 ECTS. TS 1070 pps.117-118).
The contents refer to 1) a Christian theology of religions initiated by Vatican Council II. Fabrizio Bosin means Vatican Council II (LG 16,LG 8, UR 3, etc) interpreted with the Marchetti error. Since the Council does not initiate any such theology unless, the inference from Marchetti is used. 2) He then refers to the axiom ( assioma) extra ecclesiam nulla salus and not the dogma.For him,the dogma has been discarded with the Marchetti inference.It has been 'developed' as Cardinal Baldissieri said recently in another theological context.
The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance is visible and known in personal cases in the present times. This was Marchetti's idea. So there was a  contradiction to the need for 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).All now do not need it in the present times. Hypothetical cases are objective exceptions for the faculty of theology.Now the dogma is only an aphorism; a  saying. It has been superseded by a letter from a cardinal which was placed in the Denzinger by Fr.Karl Rahner S.j.
The title of this  course comes from the book written by Fr.Jaques Dupuis S.J to whom a Notification was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (2001). (Towards a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism)
Other pontifical universities also offer a similar course approved by the Vatican.The Gregorian Pontifical University of the Jesuits in Rome has gone a step further.They have initiated a Department for the Theology of Religions whose Director is Fr.Bryan Lobo S.J.
This is important for the emerging one world religion, in which Christian denominations will be united.There will not be the Holy Mass as a Sacrifice .Nor will there be devotion to Our Lady. This was told by Our Lady  to  Fr.Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests.
For Dupuis, von Baltazar, Hick and Knitter most people go to Heaven.While the dogma, the Bible and Church Tradition before 1949 taught that most people go to Hell. Jesus said 'Enter through the narrow gate for the road to Hell is wide and most people take it.'(Matt.7:13).
Most people go to Hell.They are not formal members of the Church(with faith and baptism)  and so go to Hell which has fire. ( Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441, extra ecclesiam nulla salus).The Teresianum fculty instead teaches that all do not need to be formal members of the Catholic Church for salvation.
The bibliography has a book by Fr.Hans Kung. Also listed is  'Salvation outside the Church?' by Fr.Francis Sullivan S.j a professor at Boston College.He rejects the Feeneyite version of the dogma with the Marchetti inference, of which he was not aware of.
St.Teresa of Avila and  St.John of the Cross affirmed the Feeneyite version of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The Teresianum rejects it. St.Teresa of Avila said all Lutherans are on the way to Hell (Life).Carmelite professors of theology  instead teach that Lutherans do not need to enter the Church to avoid Hell.There are comparitive studies of the Bhagwad Gita and St.John of Cross without mentioning that this Spanish Mystic believed non Catholics need to convert to avoid Hell.-Lionel Andrades
Verso una teologia cristiana del pluralismo religioso: percorsi, idee, autori (4 ECTS) FABRIZIO BOSIN

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