Thursday, February 19, 2015

For Bishop Robert C. Morlino, Louie Verrecchio and Robert Sungenis the Church's teaching on marriage, the family and salvation has changed

Comment by Lynda, on Harvesting the Fruits of Vatican Council II

I hope so, as Michael Voris and Church Militant come across as not credible, in fact, plain mad, bizarre, as they daily discuss the crisis in the Church and what to do, whilst wholly ignoring the blatant and continual and major attacks on faith and morals from the pope, all available in the public square. The time to leave denial behind is long past due.
 Profile picture for Louie Verrecchio
Lynda  in  comments  on Louie Verrecchio's Harvesting the Fruits of Vatican Council II does not mention that because the Feeneyite, strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not accepted by her and other traditionalists, it is possible for Catholics to marry non Catholics, and it is not considered adultery.This was a change in 'faith and morals'.Since bishops and priests too like her and Verrecchio, do not accept the Feeneyite version of the dogma, they  will canonically approve an interfaith marriage as if it is a Catholic Sacrament.Louie Verrecchio can receive the Eucharist at Mass now, even though his wife is Jewish and not a practising Catholic. He has canonical approval from a liberal bishop who offers Holy Mass in English, in the USA.
I mentioned in a blogpost yesterday that what was formerly considered adultery was possible for Louie since the U.S bishops reject the dogma as interpreted by the Church Fathers, Church Councils, popes, saints and Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.They also reject Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) in its literal sense.It agrees with the strict interpretation of the dogma.
If Verrecchio accepted this traditional understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( i.e there are  no known exceptions) he would have to admit that he was living in adultery.It is only the Marchetti premise which prevents him accepting extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known in the Church before 1949. He now is supported by 'the Church'.
It is also because of the Marchetti premise which he uses in theology, that he keeps  interpreting  Vatican Council II as a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It becomes a break with the traditional Catholic teaching on other religions and Christian communities.He cannot conceive of another way to interpret the Council. He is not aware of the irregular premise he reasons with.
Similarly Lynda would say 'but the Holy Office said...about Fr.Leonard Feeney'.Even 'the SSPX agrees with me and Louie'.So they reason how could they be wrong? Surely the magisterium could not make an objective error in the Fr.Feeney case?
What if the magisterium was wrong? If the magisterium was wrong and there really was no known salvation outside the Church , if those saved with the baptism of desire are unknown to Louie and Lynda in 2015 , then outside the Church there really would be no known salvation and Louie's wife would be outside. She would be outside the Church and on the way to Hell.Since, she is formally not a Catholic.Also Louie would have been living in adultery.
Now he lives with a non Catholic wife and receives the Eucharist at Mass.This is approved by bishops who reject the Feeneyite version of the dogma and give the Eucharist to people in mortal sin.They would be ready to regularise a marriage with a non Catholic.In Canada they do it even with Muslims who are invited to a ritual in the Catholic Church. The Catholic in the marriage with the Muslim goes to a ritual in a mosque which says she has converted.However the Catholic Church does not expect this of the Muslim male  in the interfaith marriage.Since the bishops in Canada do not accept the Feeneyite version of the dogma but are satisfied with the new Marchetti-Cushingite version.There is a simple new exercise they go through with, in the Catholic Church, with the couple.The Catholic spouse's family attends.It is not a Sacrament.No mention is made of adultery.
Louie Verrecchio like the apologist Robert Sungenis, married a non Catholic. Sungenis' wife was Protestant. They both interpret Vatican Council II with the new theology.It comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. In this theology an irrational premise is used to create an irrational conclusion.The result is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,the Syllabus of Errors and Tradition in general. So they accept the dogma with the irrational proposition. This is also done by the Vatcian  magisterium, the USCCB bishops and the SSPX.This is how Verrecchio and Sungenis interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church i.e God is not limited to the Sacraments (1257).
Verrecchio and Sungenis, like Bishop Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison,Wisconsin,USA would say that the Church's teaching on the divorced and re-married cannot change. Yet the Church's teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus has changed for them. Bishop Morlino would regularise a marriage of a non Catholic with a Catholic.He says 'pastorally' it can be done, unlike in the past.This is also the pastoral approach to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So while Bishop Morlino would pastorally regularise the marriage of a Jew or Protestant with a Catholic he would pastorally not be willing to accept the Cardinal Kasper or Cardinal Marx changes for the family.The bishop says doctrines cannot change. Nor can they be changed in practise. Yet on salvation he has accepted the change in doctrine and practise , which come to us with the Cardinal Marchetti inference. This change has also been accepted by Verrecchio and Sungenis, and many traditionalists,  with regard to the strict interpretation of the dogma on salvation.
Bishop Robert Morlino says in the EWTN interview someone living in adultery cannot receive the Eucharist, with respect to the 2015 Synod.Yet  he does not consider a non Catholic married to a Catholic as being in adultery.Since the dogma has changed for him! Raymond Arroyo his interviewer, agrees with him. This is the official position of EWTN , his employer.
They all will  interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the past.They will not talk about Marchetti's Inference which has made it possible for the Council to be interpreted in this way.Conversely, if the Council would not be a break with the past Louie Verrecchio would have been living in sin.
He would then be a Feeneyite and would not be allowed to speak at SSPX conferences by the SSPX , and the liberal Left.He would also be saying that Vatican Council II is Feeneyite and the Catechism 1257 and Marchetti (1949) made an objective error.
-Lionel Andrades
February 18, 2015
Louie Verrecchio's wife is not Catholic, he interprets the dogma on exclusive salvation with an irrational premise and so it is not a sin for him

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