Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It is a fact of life that defacto we do not know of any exception to the dogmatic teaching

Lionel's argument, once again, can be summed by this logical fallacy, which he repeats constantly:
"We do not know of any defacto case of someone saved with an implicit desire and without the baptism of water. So it is not an exception to the dogma."
Since, as John Martigioni the apologist says, 'Zero cases of something are not exceptions'.
Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson, the American apologist John Martigioni and the Benedictine priest in Rome, Fr.P. Stefano Visintin OSB, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University St.Anselm  say there are no visible exceptions to the Feeneyite version of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They are saying that we do not know of any defacto case, of someone saved with an implicit desire and without the baptism of water. This is an objective observation. It is relevant when Catholics like Cardinal Marchetti assume the baptism of desire etc is an exception to the dogma.It is said in response to the common bad theology on this subject.

 And neither do we do know of any de facto case of someone  saved with an explicit desire and with the baptism of water, and thus, the dogma does NOT suggest that we can know of any one adult's salvation (with certainty). So what is the point when the point he is attempting to make is based on a logical fallacy?
'And neither do we do know of any de facto case of someone saved with an explicit desire and with the baptism of water,'.We do not have to since no one says that those saved with an 'explicit desire and with the baptism of water' are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Instead they do say, like you, that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is also the SSPX irrationality.
So when faced with this irrational reasoning of there being  persons in heaven who are explicit exceptions on earth, to the dogma, I have to keep pointing out that this irrationality is an irrationality! It results in theology based on a false premise.The saved in Heaven being exceptions on earth is false proposition.
If you say there are exceptions then you imply that the exceptions are known. You imply people now in Heaven are on earth to become exceptions. They would have to exist and be known on earth to be exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in 2015.
This is the theology lay Catholics use to interpret Vatican Council II and no one points this out to them.
Why does Lionel have a higher standard of proof (his proof being known de facto salvation) for the baptisms of desire and blood when the very same standard cannot be met for those adults he knows were externally baptized?
No one says those adults who were externally baptized are exceptions to the dogma.

 It is because Lionel has a false interpretation of the dogma, which he  thinks he can impose as a litmus test on the Church's teaching on the baptisms of blood and desire.
The dogma says all need to formally enter the Church.This was the teaching for centuries.It does not say there are exceptions.

 For his premise to be true,
That the dead now in Heaven are not physically visible on earth is not my premise, it is a fact of life.
or at least to be relevant ue, or at least to be relevant to his argument, he would need to demonstrate that the dogma says we can know with de facto salvific certainty that those who are sacramentally baptized have received an interior regeneration ("saved men walking"),
The dogma says all need the baptism of water for salvation since Jesus teaches this. (John 3:5, Mk.16:16)
when we know for a fact that we cannot possibly know this without knowing with certainty their interior dispositions.
In individual cases it is Jesus who will judge. In general the Church guided by the Holy Spirit tells us that all need to be formal members of the Church, all need faith and baptism, for salvation.
We can no more know with certainty the interior disposition  of a faith-filled catechumen who dies before he can receive  baptism, then we can know with certainty the interior disposition of the adult catechumen who receives water baptism just before death.
Yes.So neither of the two is relevant to the dogma as an exception.Since for us they are non existent cases in 2015.
 Yet, for his thesis to be true,
I am not proposing that I know the interior disposition of someone and they are explicit, external exceptions to the dogma.
Lionel points to the latter as an example of a de facto case of someone saved with an explicit desire and with the baptism of water - when he cannot possibly know this unless that same person has been canonized as a saint.
No we cannot know the interior disposition of any one. So we cannot say that any particular person in the present times, does not need the baptism of water and Catholic Faith for salvation.Inner disposition is irrelevant to the dogmatic teaching.
Since the dogma according to Lionel, applies only to those  who have been externally incorporated into the Church,
The dogma tells us that all need to be externally incorporated into the Church. Vatican Council II (AG 7) also says 'all' need ' faith and baptism'.
IF a soul were to be saved by an interior regeneration/incorporation effected by faith and perfect charity, this would be an "exception" to a dogma which, according to Lionel, allows for no exceptions.
He would not be known to us in 2015. So he would not be an exception to the dogma.A possibility cannot be a known exception in 2015. A hypothetical case cannot be an exception to all needing to formally enter the Church in 2015 to go to Heaven.
We must not mix up what is invisible for being visible, what is theoretical for being practically known.This was the mistake of Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani.

But Lione's "known de facto salvation" thesis
It is not Lionel's thesis .It is a fact of life that defacto we do not know of any exception to the dogmatic teaching.
simply does not follow from Lionel's own rigorist interpretation of the dogma that allows salvation only for those who are visibly incorporated into the Church, as proven above.
This was the interpretation for centuries before 1949.
Canonized martyrs who the Church recognizes in her Liturgy as having died without sacramental ablution, so Lionel's arguments, as we already know, are false.
The Church only says they are saints or martyrs and this is accepted. If 'the Church' presumes that someone is in Heaven without the baptism of water then ' the Church ' contradicts 'the Church' before 1949. At one time, before or after 1949 'the Church' was wrong. The Church after 1949 would contradict the dogma with alleged exceptions.
In fact, using Lionel's litmus test for "visible saved men walking",
When you assume there are known exceptions it is an inference. Since for you the baptism of desire and blood and invincible ignorance are exceptions to the dogma you infer  that these persons are visible saved men walking on earth.
For me there are no exceptions to the dogma. So there are no dead men saved and walking on earth, whom I can see.
we have a higher certainty of salvation for the faith-filled non-water baptized catechumen who was "baptized" in fire (burned at the stake for the love of God), than we do for the apparently 'filled RCIA catechumen who dies of a heart attack right after water Baptism
We cannot say in particular cases that someone is in Heaven without the baptism of water.
Yet, the Church claims each as her own, even if in the  former case external corporate membership is never realized, though, by the visible manifestation of supernatural faith vivified by the highest form of charity, she assumes with greater certainly an internal incorporation with Christ, without claiming salvation for either with infallible certainty (unless either is eventually canonized). 
There is no such case in 2015 for it to be an exception to the dogma.

 What we do know with infallible certainty is that ANY ONE  adult who has an explicit or implicit desire for Baptism and possess the requisite faith and charity, will in fact be saved - de fide.
Yes in faith, in principle.Explicitly we do not know of any such case.Hypothetically yes. In theory, yes.
This is not an exception to the dogma, it is an intrinsic part of the dogma.
The dogma does not mention it .Neither do we know of any particular case in the present times.

 Lionel doesn't appear to realize that his thesis says that  the dogma of extra ecclesiam nulla salus stipulates that actual sacramental ablution is
Sacramental batism is necessary for salvation.
intrinsically necessary for "known de facto" salvation is inherently defective (a logical fallacy based on a false premise),
Sacramental baptism is necessary for salvation.Sacramental baptism is known in particular cases.We can see someone being baptised with water. It is defacto and not hypothetical. It can be be repeated.This is not a premise. It is something physically visible.
 but that does not stop him from saying that anyone who is said to have the possibility of salvation without water baptism (those who possesses the necessary dispositions), precisely as the universal ordinary magisterium teaches (e.g., Pope Pius XII and the Roman  Catechism of Trent), would be an exception to the dogma.
Those who have the possibility of salvation would also have the disposition for salvation and they  are acceptable only as possibilities. They are not known cases.
No magisterial document before 1949 says that these cases are objective for us. Neither do they state that they are exceptions to the dogma.I repeat the text of these documents do not state this.
One has to wrongly infer that these cases are explicit for us in the present times and so are exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma. This was the error of  Cardinal Marchetti. 
since "We do not know of any defacto case of someone saved with an implicit desire and without the baptism of water."
No magisterial document before 1949 says that we do know of 'any defacto case of someone saved with an implicit desire and without the baptism of water', who is an explicit exception to the dogma.

An "exception" to the dogma would suggest that a soul who is  saved extra-sacramentally (but never without the grace of the  sacrament)
We do not know of any such case and neither did Cardinal Marchetti and Cardinal Cushing know of such a person in 1949.
is saved by another means outside the dogma of EENS, an extra-sacramental means unknown to the Church.
We don't know of any such case in the present times. So these cases cannot be exceptions Neither did Cardinal Marchetti know of someone saved outside the Church. This was his error. This confusion has been placed in Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14).
When one is aware of it, it can be interpreted according to Tradition.
 But this applies only to unbaptized infants who are given a non-assured "hope" of salvation, and not those who the Church recognizes with infallible certitude WILL be saved provided the necessary dispositions are present (resulting in a state of grace and interior incorporation).
We do not know of any such case in 2105 who could be an exception to all needing the baptism of water for salvation.

Anyone who dies in a state of grace is saved, period, de fide devina, and the Church does not restrict God to the ordinary instruments of salvation to effect this same end (de fide ecclesiastica).
We do not know who these cases are in particular for them to be exceptions in 2015 to the dogma.

 Lionel, as it appears to me, is stuck in a vicious incoherent circle from which he cannot escape, and it is all due to his faulty interpretation of the dogma of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
I am affirming the traditional interpretation of the dogma and I am saying that I do not personally know of any exception in 2015 and neither does any one else before 1949 state that they know of an exception to the dogma. This is simple and traditional.
I am in agreement with the Church Councils, the popes, saints, Fr.Leonard Feeney and Vatican Council II (interpreted without the irrationality). I am in disagreement with Cardinal Marchetti , you and the SSPX when it is suggested that there are known exceptions to the dogma in 2015 or that there are magisterial texts before 1949 which state that the dead saved are visible on earth to be exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation.

-Lionel Andrades

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