Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Italian Director of the Office for Education, University and Schools in Brescia will still not say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma

The Italian Director of Catholic education,schools and university in the Catholic diocese of Brescia says extra ecclesiam nulla salus is an aphorism and not a dogma.
I sent him the post on this blog. 1
Probably the Bishop of Brescia Mons.Luciano Monari  (see photo) also believes it is not a dogma but an aphorism, a maxim, or  a popular saying.
-Lionel Andrades
January 31, 2015

Fr.Raffaele Maiolini, Director of the Office for Education, University and Schools in Brescia, Italy says extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not a dogma but an aphorism

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