Saturday, February 14, 2015

Leftist censorship in inter faith and ecumenism dialogue in Canada

Archbishop Paul-André Durocher , President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) in June 2014  issued a message on the Ecumenism 1 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Decree on Ecumenisn( Unitatis Redintigratio) of Vatican Council II. In this politically correct message he was not permitted by the political Left in Canada, to interpret Vatican Council in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He also had to present the Decree (UR ) as contradicting AG 7 and LG 14.Vatican Council II contradicts itself!
Of course all this would not be possible , if he did not use an irrationality in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. This irrationality is not known to Canadian Catholics.Lay Catholics in general do not know theology. They have the documents of Vatican Council II before them. While the bishops interpret these documents using the Marchetti Premise, an irrational premise.Even Catholic apologists are not aware that the Decree on Ecumenism can be interpreted as a break with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma or as supporting the Feeneyite version.
At ecumenical meetings, Canadian organisations funded by the Government,  have to censor, teachings of the Catholic Church. There is the familar  'thought control'.
Similarly there are guidelines for Church-Jewish (Left)  Relations. According to some of the study guide papers available at the Canadian inter faith centres, it is considered anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism to state that Jews need to convert( in other words the Catholic Biblical teaching is adequate and has to be changed).
Also members of Messianic Jewish groups like Jews for Jesus cannot call themselves Jews ( they are persecuted in Israel).So these leftist sensibilities, opposed by conservative Jewish groups, have to be respected!
These are the guidelines for  inter faith meetings, set by the Jewish Left Anti Defamation League (ADL).It supports freedom for things evil, blasphemy, pornography, abortion, atheism etc. Christian teachings cannot  freely  be lived and taught.
So Archbishop Paul-André Durocher   follows these guidelines set by the Left .He interprets Vatican Council II (UR 3) by assuming that salvation mentioned in the Decree on Ecumenism,refers to known and visible cases in Heaven ( Marchetti Theory).It is inferred that these cases in Heaven are visible on earth ( Cardinal Marchetti Inference).These visible cases (ghosts) mentioned in UR  are explicit  exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They  are exceptions also to  Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 which says all ( Christians included) need Catholic Faith for salvation. All Christians need the Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the faith and moral teachings to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.
A Church in Dialogue - long version
Without the Marchetti Inference, Vatican Council II (UR ) does not contradict the 'rigorist interpretation' of the thrice defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.However lay Catholics not familiar with theology will not know this.They will assume that the Decree on Ecumenism states Christians are saved in their religion and do not need to convert into the Catholic Church.
This is the irrational understanding of the Decree on Ecumenism  by the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX).They criticize Feeneyism, as a theology. Since for them there are known exceptions to Feeneyism. The dead-saved with the baptism of desire etc, are visible, as Marchetti taught. So with the inference of being able to see those saved allegedly without the baptism of water, they reject the traditional interpretation of the dogma, the Feeneyite version. 
This is the doctrine taught by the CCCB's Episcopal Commission for Doctrine.2
It 'helps to identify the theological and pastoral needs of the Church' and it 'serves as the CCCB contact with Canadian theologians and theological bodies'. They all have to interpret Vatican Council II with the approved Marchetti Inference.For  'good relations' with the Jewish Left, this has been approved by the Vatican.
The Vatican has approved a catechesis 3 which focus' on Christ ( Christological) and excludes the neccesity of  membership in the Church for salvation. This new ecclesiology is arose in 1949 with Cardinal Marchetti's irrationality, i.e there is known salvation outside the Church.So all do not need to be members of the Church to avoid Hell. Since there is known salvation outside the Church for the ecumenists, all do not need to enter the Church but only those 'who know' about Jesus and the Church.This is the approved interpretation of Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades
A message from CCCB President Archbishop Paul-André Durocher on the significance of the 50th anniversary of the Decree; (PDF)

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