Friday, February 20, 2015

Liberals and traditionalists agree Vatican Council II is a break with the past. None of them realize that the cause is the premise

...then Lionel, the VII documents should be clarified in and of themselves so that an outside lens isn't required. 
 Risultati immagini per Photo of what can I do?
If the SSPX does not clarify it what can be done?! I have been saying the same things for the last few years on my blog.
The clear teachings of the Church shouldn't be dependent upon whether or not one is wearing 3-D glasses.
Vatican Council II's teachings have become dependent on whether your using a premise in the interpretation or not. This is the reality.

The fullness of the faith cannot be left open to what amounts to the picking and choosing of premises.
Yes and this has been the defacto situation after the 1949 error.Now Catholics marry Protestants and Muslims and they are not told that they are in adultery and in mortal sin.They are on the way to Hell. Instead it is assumed that there is known salvation outside the Church and the traditional dogma is no more valid. They support this error with Vatican Council II interpreted with the premise.This has been implemented in the Church .
That is why the subsequent dismissal of the Oath Against Modernism by Paul VI smacks even more confusing. For it was the Oath that strictly prohibited the notion of reinterpreting Church teaching to mean anything other than what the Church had always taught.
True but when using the Nicene Creed in the Oath, we have a new doctrine.Since the premise is used. 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins' is interpreted as ' I believe in three or more KNOWN BAPTISMS for the forgivness of sins and they are baptisms without the baptism of water'.This is the confusing Oath/Profession of Faith which is now made.
This is the doctrinal schism of the magisterium.They are not aware of it.
So ambiguous VII language combined with not having to vow to interpret doctrine in a manner in which the Church has always taught will automatically lead to the +Baldiserri evolution of teaching premise that has a Cardinal shouting down laity who are rightfully scandalized when the hierarchy attempts to redefine marriage by way of praxis while - wink, wink - leaving the 'written' doctrine in place.
Yes.Since 1949 they have changed extra ecclesiam nulla salus in theory and in practise.Then the same reasoning which they used to change extra ecclesiam nulla salus they applied it to Vatican Council II. So we have LG 16 etc referring to known cases in the present times. These defacto, objectively known cases, for the magisterium, contradict the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.No one from the SSPX comments on this.They do not agree or disagree they just do not comment.
These machinations fool no one, no one that is who actually takes the time to sit back and understand a situation prior to pidgeon holing others with terms they do not fully comprehend.
The liberals and the traditionalists agree that Vatican Council II is a break with the past. None of them realize that the cause is the premise.
-Lionel Andrades
February 20, 2015

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