Thursday, February 12, 2015

Memento mori!

Memento mori!

Just a reminder to GO TO CONFESSION!
You are all going to die one day.
I direct this especially at you who dissent from some teaching of the Church: Don’t be on the wrong side of the Church when you go to your judgement. A harrowing thought.

It is a good thing to think on the Four Last Things regularly and to examine one’s conscience every day.
Remember to weigh your state in life and the responsibilities that come with it.
Consider your sins of omission, as well as of commission.
Confess all your mortal sins in both kind (what sin) and number (how many times, frequency).
If there is something in your life that it is out of order, take steps now to put things to right!
Life among the living is the time to make straight the paths of the Lord.
Once we die, that’s it.
Don’t delay.
We are in pre-Lent. Lent is coming.
If you are in an irregular situation, for the love of God see your parish priest NOW.
If you have some habitual sin that is keeping you from the grace of God, GO TO CONFESSION.
Fr. Z’s Tips

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