Friday, February 13, 2015

Mic'd up contradictions

On Mic'd up-The Catholic Internet Michael Voris and Christine Niles mention the influence of the Protestant heresy. Otherwise too, Michael Voris speaks about outside the Church there being no salvation and that Protestants need to become Catholic to go to Heaven.In the same program Michael asks Steve Jalsevac , co-founder of, his views on the present conditions in the Church. He does not ask Steve, a Protestant to convert for salvation. LifeSites is a sponsor of Voris' media.
This is similar to the secular, liberal media who do not want to rock the boat and so they  mention only positive things which would be appealing to all.Often it is in opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
So when Voris does not crticize the magisterium/ Pope Francis as do the 'reactionary Catholic media', he could be making a virtue out of a necessity.He critcizes the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) for not having 'jurisdiction' but forgets his diocese does not consider him Catholic and he cannot speak at parishes in Detroit.
The SSPX is not accepting Vatican Council II since Pope Francis interprets the Council with the Marchetti Inference and wants the SSPX to do the same. So they remain in an irregular situation.The magisterium continues to make a mistake on this issue.Michael Voris, for whatever reason, does not point it out.
Michael Voris and Simon Rafe are not familiar with theology on the issue of exclusive salvation in the Church.There has been no program on the  teachings of the dogma in relationship with Vatican Council II i.e a Council II without the Marchetti Inference. The liberals have used theology to change Church doctrines on salvation.They have used the Marchetti Theory to interpret magisterial documents. The ambigous result has been accepted by Michael Voris.It is theology based on  an irrational premise which produces an irrational and non traditional conclusion.Michael stays clear of this issue.He avoids further trouble, with his liberal bishop in Detroit.
Remember the Left in Boston excommunicated Fr.Leonard Feeney for being faithful to the teachings of the Church.They wanted to take the Church in the direction Pope Francis is leading all.
Michael cannot tell his bishop that he would ask Steve Jalsevac to become a Catholic based on Vatican Council II interpreted without the Marchetti Inference  i.e salvation in Heaven is visible on earth.His bishop would not understand and Michael still seems unfamiliar with this subject.
So he has to say outside the Church there is no salvation and Protestants need to convert based on the salvation- dogma, the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechism of the Pope Pius XI - and excluding  Vatican Council II (with the premise) . His bishop would  assume this is not Catholic . He would be rejecting Vatican Council II like the SSPX. Or, he would hold the contradictory position of the St.Benedict Centers in the USA who say they affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II. Or equally contradictory is the position of the SSPX. They say they affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the baptism of desire is a known exception to the dogma.
If Michael and Simon understood that the magisterium made a mistake in assuming that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible (and other forms of salvation in heaven) were known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, they could then explain away  traditional teaching, in agreement with Vatican Council II ( without the inference). He could then ask the bishop of Detroit to affirm Vatican Council II rationally.
Mic'd up's present position is as contradictory as that of the the SSPX and the liberals.It is Vatican Council II along with the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and extra ecclesiam nulla salus along with the baptism of desire being exceptions.It should make any rational Catholic's head spin.
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Lionel, that is a great phrase that you use in saying that No salvation outside the Catholic Church has been mostly reduced to "making a virtue out of a necessity" and that phrase needs to be repeated constantly. Michael Voris should have finished his statement with those with whom he talks as including them too out of Truth, Charity and love as needing the Catholic Church. Objectively speaking all Protestants must join a me members of the Catholic Church.

    George Brenner
