Monday, February 16, 2015

Mixing Bowl Catholicism

Mixing Bowl Catholicism

Another rotten program is called JustFaith which is almost utterly devoid of any ACTUAL Catholic theology- Michael Voris
When Micahel Voris refers to actual Catholic theology he is referring to the irrational one which has come into the Church in 1949. This theology is based on a false premise, which produces a false conclusion.He then uses this bad theology to interpret Vatican Council II and other Church documents.
Lay Catholics, world wide are not aware, that the Vatican is using an irrationality to 'develop' the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This developed version of the dogma, is accepted by the Vatican.
However if a Catholic layperson did not use this irrationality then extra ecclesiam nulla salus would be traditional. This would be opposed by the Enemies of the Church.
So no one talks about this.
Michael Voris too, perhaps does not understand this and nor does John Vennari and the SSPX.
-Lionel Andrades

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