Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pope Paul VI offered the first Mass in Italian unaware of the Marchetti error which discarded the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

When Pope Paul VI offered the first Mass in Italian (See photo. March 7, 1965) he was not aware of the error in the Marchetti letter of 1949 which discarded the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted over centuries.He was also not aware of an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II which would emerge.
The dogma was rejected with claims of the baptism of desire being an exception, since it was inferred that these cases were personally known to us, to be exceptions. This was an objective error of the pope since these persons saved as such are in Heaven and so could not be an exception to the traditional interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
At this Mass not only had he done way with a defined dogma he has also replaced the Traditional Latin Mass with a new Mass.
These days (Feb.2015)  in Rome's churches there are preparations to celebrate the 50 th anniversary of that first Mass in Italian.
Since this first Mass priests can offer Holy Mass while denying the thrice defined dogma without it being considered an impediment to offering Holy Mass.
Since 1949 the Traditional Latin Mass was also offered with this change in Catholic Faith.The change was recorded in Vatican Council II.
Pope Paul VI did not correct the irrational interpretations of Vatican Council II. Lumen Gentium 16 ( saved in invincible ignorance or a good conscience) was assumed to refer to known cases who were explicit exceptions, to all needing to convert into the Catholic Church, with 'faith and baptism'. So Lumen Gentium  16 contradicted Ad Gentes  7 and Lumen Gentium 14( all need faith and baptism for salvation). Pope Paul VI , nor any one else complained.
The text of Vatican Council II does not state that there are known cases of persons saved in invincible ignorance( with or without the baptism of water). So if there are no known cases how can there be exceptions to the dogma ?. However this was the general interpretation not corrected by Pope Paul VI. Even the traditionalists did not notice this error when they criticized Vatican Council II, which they interpreted with the irrational premise.
Pope Paul VI never said that without  the irrational inference,without Marchetti's Theory, Vatican Council II is in agreement with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney, the Church Councils, popes and saints.
This was a major change in faith and liturgy.This  change in faith, we now know was a public heresy. Since the baptism of desire had nothing to do with the dogma. People in Heaven cannot be exceptions on earth! Yet with this reasoning Catholic faith was changed.
At the time Pope Paul VI was offering this Mass the excommunication of Fr.Leonard  Feeney was not lifted. Fr.Feeney refused to say that there were known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma.
Until today, there is no apology from the Vatican or the Jesuits, for the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney. There were also four Catholic professors who were dismissed from Boston College, along with Fr.Leonard Feeney, for their traditional Catholic faith.The Jesuits in Rome will not comment.
Since 1965 the Novus Ordo Mass is being offered in Italy by priests who interpret Vatican Council II with the Marchetti inference and have changed the meaning in the Nicene Creed's  'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin' .All this is not an impediment to offering Holy Mass.
-Lionel Andrades
Paul VI among the people at All Saints, 7 March 1965.

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