Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Protestantism is not a path to salvation is the teaching of the Catholic Church before the Marchetti error in 1949 came into the Body of Christ

Comments from blogpost. 1

Caleb Taylor:
How can we know Jesus' teaching when there are so many Protestant communities with different doctrines?

Answer: Well, we nee to start by looking at how much the doctrines of the Catholic Church line up with the teachings of Jesus, and the point is that they don't:

Where did Jesus teach that the we are saved by the sacraments, or by joining an organisation, or that we should pray to the saints, or that His Church would be infalible? - Remember, such teachings need to be affirmed by at least two or three witnesses in scripture so that we are clear that it was an important point that Christ was making...
Answer: Well, we nee to start by looking at how much the doctrines of the Catholic Church line up with the teachings of Jesus, and the point is that they don't.

Jesus founded one Church with set teachings.Among them was that all need the baptism of water for salvation in the community/ church which he initiated.The people of that time needed to beleive in him in that particular community.
The Bible and the Church Fathers tell us that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.
Jesus tells us in the Bible that he who does not beleive will be condemned.
So we know that the Catholic Church with its Sacraments and doctrines is the only Church which Jesus founded and outside this Church there is no salvation.
It is guided by the Holy Spirit.

Where did Jesus teach that the we are saved by the sacraments, or by joining an organisation, or that we should pray to the saints, or that His Church would be infalible?
It was taught by the Holy Spirit in the only Church which Jesus founded.It has a continuity with popes and unity in doctrine and Tradition.

 - Remember, such teachings need to be affirmed by at least two or three witnesses in scripture so that we are clear that it was an important point that Christ was making...

We have Sacred Tradition.It is confirmed by the Apostles, the Church Fathers and the Tradition which followed it.
They have been consistent.

Protestantism is not a path to salvation is the teaching of the Catholic Church before the Marchetti error in 1949 came into the Body of Christ.
The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441) tells us Protestants are on the way to the fires of Hell. This was also the teaching of the Catholic saints including the Carmelites.
It was confirmed in Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) which repeats the same message. All need Catholic Faith with the baptism of water for salvation and there are no exceptions.
-Lionel Andrades

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