Monday, February 23, 2015

Speaker at SSPX/Fatima conferences in adultery?

I have sent Louie Verrecchio these blog posts but there is no comment or denial from him.1 The video can be seen on John Vennari's blog Catholic Family News 2. Vennari  praises the video,  and says ' Good work Louie'.

According to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus Louie's wife is outside the Church and on the way to Hell.They are living in an irregular situation. Even if Bishop Robert C.Morlino or some other U.S bishop does not accept the dogma and regularises the marriage with some ritual or exercise it still is adultery and the marriage is not  Sacramental.

It would be like Cardinal Walter Kaspar wanting to give Holy Communion to divorced and married couples after they go through an act of penance.This would be an exercise which is non traditional and not valid. Mortal sins can only be absolved in the Sacrament of Confession.

 Louie Verrecchio is critical of the Novus Ordo liturgy. It is at the Novus Ordo Mass that they do not tell the Catholic spouse in an inter faith marriage that he or she is living in mortal sin and should not receive the Eucharist at Mass.
  Instead on the World Over video Bishop Robert C.Morlino encourages Jews and Catholics to marry and tells them not to be afraid.He is willing to give the Eucharist to those who reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but is not willing to give the Eucharist to divorced and marriage Catholics. This is the irrational position also of his interviewer Raymond Arroyo .

Similarly Cardinal Burke would give the Eucharist to Catholics who reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the Marchetti inference but to the divorced and remarried he would resist.

Louie Verrecchio speaks at SSPX and the Fatima Network Conferences with John Vennari, John Salza, Cornelia Ferrara and SSPX priests. 

It is because the Feeneyite, strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not accepted by all, including the  traditionalists, it is possible for Catholics to marry non Catholics, and it is not considered adultery.This was a change in 'faith and morals'.Bishops and priests too , do not accept the Feeneyite version of the dogma.So they will canonically approve an interfaith marriage as if it is a Catholic Sacrament.Louie Verrecchio can receive the Eucharist at Mass and has the canonical approval of liberal bishops.

What was formerly considered adultery was possible for Louie, since the U.S bishops reject the dogma as interpreted by the Church Fathers, Church Councils, popes, saints and Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.They also reject Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) in its literal sense.It agrees with the strict interpretation of the dogma. Instead they interpret the dogma as interpreted by Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani, Cardinal Richard Cushing and the popes who followed and assumed that salvation in Heaven refers to living cases on earth. So the teachings of St.Alphonsus Liguouri and the other saints, on this subject, has been superseded.This was told to me the other day by two young Redemptorist priests studying at the Alphonsianum University in Rome.

If Verrecchio accepted this traditional understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( i.e there are no known exceptions) he would have to admit that he was living in adultery.It is only the Marchetti premise which prevents him accepting extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known in the Church before 1949. He now is supported by 'the Novus Ordo Church' which he otherwise criticizes. -Lionel Andrades


February 19, 2015 

For Bishop Robert C. Morlino, Louie Verrecchio and Robert Sungenis the Church's teaching on marriage, the family and salvation has changed

February 18, 2015
Bishop Robert C. Morlino says doctrines cannot be changed yet on salvation he has accepted a change in doctrine and practise
February 18, 2015
Louie Verrecchio's wife is not Catholic, he interprets the dogma on exclusive salvation with an irrational premise and so it is not a sin for him


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