Sunday, February 15, 2015

That phrase!

No love for the SSPX. And Simon Rafe shows it. Even if in the past the old Mass was given the yes-nod by Michael Voris,he does not now want only the old Mass.Times have changed. 
Now there is a stay away sign put in front of the old Mass.The sign is there in and out of the Church.Many do not want it.The sign really says 'no old Mass with that dogma'.So Voris really wants to say that he is not an SSPX fan.
Like the U.S bishops under the watch of the Enemy, Michael Voris  does not want to be seen or heard with that sign.He does not want to talk about that dogma.It is the one which infers that there are only Catholics in Heaven.All must be Catholic to be saved.
Simon Rafe has put away the dogma with his known exceptions.He knows of people in the USA who were not baptised with water.They are in Heaven.Some of them had only the desire for the baptism of water.They did not know about Jesus and the Church.He knows these persons one to one.Face to face.He can name them. So he infers there are known exceptions to the dogma, which people link to the old Mass.
So for Michael Voris all need to enter the Church and for Simon Rafe all, except for...
Anyway, Michael will not use the words 'the dogma' or 'that dogma'.He is under watch. He will say outside the Church there is no salvation but slip past  that phrase.
They both have a new way to look at the old dogma.It comes from Boston in '49.The new-look dogma was made with make-believe thinking. The stuff of Alice in Wonderland.They call it theology. Michael and Simon use it.
It's like Alice's world. Since, they can see men and women in Heaven who are also seen on earth.These people went to Heaven with no baptism of water.So the dogma was now dead. Since the dogma says all need faith and baptism to go to Heaven.Here there are known exceptions in the USA.They look just like Kasper the friendly one.
In Rome priests who do not say  yes to that dogma , can offer the old Mass. The old Mass was not there for only the SSPX .
Though, they also have to see Vatican Council II through the mirror, the looking glass of Alice in Wonderland.It is done with Marchetti stamped theology.Simon and Michael use it.And don't know about it.
If they do learn about it and stay away from Marchetti's dangerous insight, the Archdiocese of Detroit will be out to get them.Since Vatican Council II will then be Alice-free.This would make Vatican Council II 'ideological' for Pope Francis and we know how much our pope loves the old Council.
So now things are good for Michael and Simon.They rubber stamp Marchetti's Vatican Council II like Pope Francis. Things are bad for the SSPX. They cannot see a  Vatican Council II without the Marchetti theory.
It's just that phrase -and how you see it!
-Lionel Andrades

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