Monday, February 23, 2015

The magisterium is taking advantage of their ignorance.

When a Catholic marries a non Catholic then they are living in adultery. Yet this is not told to the couple
Marie,The dogma says there is no salvation outside the Church and also Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation. When a Catholic marries a non Catholic then they are living in adultery. Yet this is not told to the couple.
So if Bishops who do not believe in the dogma, grant an annulment or dispensation it is not traditional. It is not valid.
Since the couple are still living in an objective state of sin.

It is like Cardinal Kaspar and the pope proposing that Holy Communion be given to the divorced and re married, after a ritual of penance.
That exercise of penance would be the same as the annulment or approval of a Catholic inter faith marriage.
We have the objective rejection of the dogma. In theory and practice the dogma has been rejected. This is schism. It is magisterial schism.
We do not know of any one saved outside the Church, that is without faith and baptism. So there are no known exceptions to the dogma.

"Until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers — even though they have been freed of the ecclesiastical penalty — do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church.”

Yes, the SSPX must clarify precisely that the magisterium is using an irrationality to interpret Vatican Council II thus creating a new doctrine and rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is heresy and material schism. They cannot accept this irrationality.Doctrinally, they should ask the magisterium to interpret Vatican Council II without the premise. Then Vatican Council II will be in agreement with the traditional strict interpretation of the dogma. Then it can be clearly said that those Catholics who marry non Catholics are living in sin and they should get their marraige regularised. Their non Catholic spouse should convert into the Catholic Church.
Marie Since extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not contradicted it would mean Vatican Council II does not contradict the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities.They are not paths to salvation.
Then should they ask the Vatican to accept this rational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Would the Vatican be willing to say that Vatican Council II says all Hindus, Buddhist, Jews, Muslims and Christians need to formally convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell'This is presently the SSPX view but they are not citing Vatican Council II (without the premise) to support their view

The magisterium is taking advantage of their ignorance.

-Lionel Andrades
February 23, 2015
Bishop Fellay uses a false premise when he assumes LG 8 refers to visible in the flesh cases : Doctrine has not changed unless you use a false premise.

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