Monday, February 2, 2015

Video of Franciscans of the Immaculate Seminary the day it was shuttered by Commissioner Volpi : When will the mainstream media demand answers?


Video of Franciscans of the Immaculate Seminary

the day it was shuttered by Commissioner Volpi

When will the mainstream media demand answers?

On December 8, 2013, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception,
the the Theological Seminary of the Immaculate Mediatrix
(STIM) of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI) was closed by
 their Apostolic Commissioner, Fr. Fidenzio Volpi. On the same
 day, one of the friars filmed the entire day, which presents the
way of life in that same seminary.

Volpi meets with Pope Francis the day the seminary was closed.


This footage was then kept in secret, witness of
something no longer tolerable to those in power,
unseen until now.

In this Year of the Consecrated Life, on the Feast of the
Purification, which is seen as the Feast of the Consecrated
Life, Rorate has obtained this video exclusively, making
public a  contradiction that has been hidden up to now for
the safety of those involved.

With all the problems and scandals in the religious life
in our times, which seem to be deemed praiseworthy by
 the  highest authorities, what you'll see in this video is
what they find so unacceptable, so horrific, so dangerous
that it had to be stomped out and crushed as "specifically
 ordered by the Vicar of Christ," Pope Francis.
Punishment and suppression -- and with no trial.

But perhaps our Lady, on her feastday, is offering a
vision very different to that which seems to
dominate presently in the Church -- a vision of
the consecrated life which is, as Simeon says of
Christ, a sign of contradiction.
A great number of the friars seen in this film
have had to flee after the closing of the seminary,
 having found themselves in a new atmosphere
 of doctrinal corruption and moral relaxation,
 of the disintegration of the religious observance
they had avowed themselves to maintain on pain
of grave sin.
We say "flee" because it's true. We hear from
numerous FI saying how they are in danger,
how another Friar they know will speak with us
 "once they're safe" meaning in a new diocese
with a friendly bishop. You'd think they were
fleeing 16th Century England and the Tower
-- but this form of priest hunting is so much
more dangerous as it comes from within.
Watch the video.
Spread it far and wide.
And pray to our Lady today to make good
of this nightmare and grant these good men
peace at last.


Note: the music in this film is sung by the former STIM seminarians,

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