Monday, February 2, 2015

We can interpret the Catechisms and Vatican Council II without the oversight of the magisterium

The issuing  of the Catechism of the Catholic Church of Pope John Paul II was in a sense a sad time for the Church.Since the pope had to submit to the Jewish Left political pressure and approve the irrationality of the Marchetti inference.The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office was cited as a  reference in the Catechism  and its influence can be seen in the vagueness  of CCC 846 (Outside the Church there is no salvation) and the irrationality of CCC 1257 ( the Necessity of Baptism).So that Catholics would be kept completely in the ignorance the text of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church was not included in the Catechism. This was a big victory for the Masons and the rest of the Jewish Left.It was a victory for Satan.
The Catholic Church, in the name of Vatican Council II, interpreted with the irrational Marchetti inference, had thrown away a dogma defined by three Church Councils, an infallible teaching.
Catholics were not to be told that without the 1949 inference, Vatican Council II would be at home with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with what the secular media called 'the rigorist interpretation'.
They were allowed to assume that Vatican Council II contradicts the Nicene Creed , 'I believe in one baptism' for something new.It is now I believe in many baptisms for the forgiveness of sins and these are baptisms without water.They are 'seeds of the Word'(AG 11),invincible ignorance(LG 16) ,elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8),imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3), a ray of the Truth(NA ) etc.
All this was possible not because the text of Vatican Council II says that there is baptism without water but because of the Marchetti inference, which says they are exceptions to the baptism of water.
Marchetti,Cushing,and Courtney Murray were saying all salvation in Heaven with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance referred to exceptions to the dogma. The Catechism accepts this.They were implying that for these cases to be exceptions, they would have to be known.The Catechism accepts this.Since they are known on earth, though in Heaven,they become explicit exceptions.The Catechism accepts this.
So today for Catholics, persons in Heaven are living exceptions to the dogma, the Catechism teaches.
To deny a defined dogma and to change the Nicene Creed is first class heresy and this is what Marchetti did with the approval of the magisterium.The magisteriuim since 1949 has been teaching heresy, and it has not been corrected in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
We can still use the Catechism as a reference guide but be aware of the objective errors and accompanying fantasy theology on salvation.In this sense it is a political document.
The reference to implicit desire and invincible ignorance in the Catechism of Pope John Paul and Pope Pius X can be accepted.However we must not infer that these cases refer to living, known persons in 2015 or that they exclude  the baptism of water.So yes, a person can be saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) but it would be followed by the baptism of water, this is the dogmatic teaching.Yes a person can be saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire but these are hypothetical cases for us and are not defacto, explicit exceptions in 2015 to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
In this way we interpret the Catechism and Vatican Council II without the oversight of the present magisterium and, according to Tradition in general and extra ecclesiam nulla salus, in particular.
-Lionel Andrades

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