Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What about the dogma on salvation which has 'evolved' for Fr.Zuhlsdorf ?

Featured ImageWhat about the dogma on salvation which has 'evolved' for Fr.Zuhlsdorf ? If you can get rid of an infallible teaching you can get rid of anything. Hilary White on LifeSites quotes Cardinal Raymond Burke saying "I will resist".
Yes - but Hilary White(LifeSites.com) and Fr.John Zuhlsdorf do not resist when extra ecclesiam nulla salus is discarded due to their being known exceptions to the defined dogma ( even when these exceptions refer to deceased persons).
Of course the Eucharist should not be given to Catholics living in adultery and yes it should not also be given to Catholics who reject an infallible teaching in public.
-Lionel Andrades

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