Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I could interpret these passages in Vatican Council II without using the irrational premise and conclusion

Furthermore, as Father Thomas Joseph White, OP, in his article Who Will Be Saved? The Council and the Question of Salvation, confirms the above:

…God’s grace does work outside of the sacraments in many cases. For Catholic Christians this can occur when they are deprived of the sacraments through no fault of their own, or when they pray for grace outside the sacraments, even while also regularly receiving them.
LionelGod's grace can occur outside the Church but there is no known case of someone saved outside the Church.So there are no known cases of persons being exceptions to the dogmatic teaching, the strict interpretation of outside the Church there is no salvation:
Likewise, a catechumen who dies without baptism can be saved from the “desire for baptism.” Outside the Catholic Church, those who are in invincible ignorance regarding the nature of the Church and the sacraments can still receive the offer of salvation.
Lionel:Yes they can be saved with the baptism of desire followed by the baptism of water. They would still not be known to us in 2015. So they would not be an exception to the strict interpretation of the dogma.
This was an explicit teaching of Pope Pius IX in the 19th century, and it has clear precedents in the teaching of 13th century scholastic theologians like Aquinas.
Lionel:That there are known exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma is a new doctrine which has come to us from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. It has not precedent before 1949.
The Letter issued by Cardinal Marchetti assumed that these cases were 1) known and visible in the present times even though they are in Heaven and so 2) were explicit exceptions on earth  to the strict interpretation of the dogma.

Lumen Gentium 15-16 presents this idea in a complex and nuanced way. (We find complementary teachings in Unitatis Redintegratio and Nostra Aetate.) Notice the emphasis on the conditional. The Eastern Orthodox Churches can communicate life in the grace of Christ, a grace that tends implicitly toward plenary communion with the Roman Church.
This can be implied based only on Marchetti's premse.
Protestant Christians might live in a state of grace (with charity in their hearts) based upon their baptismal life in Christ, and his forgiveness of their sins, but they face potential setbacks due to problematic beliefs and seriously erroneous moral practices. It is possible for the grace of God to be at work among those who believe in the one God (Jews or Muslims), and also in those who, through other religious traditions, “in shadows and images seek the unknown God.” Grace may even be at work in the hearts of those who do not believe in God.
Lionel:He can choose to infer all this based on the objective error in the Letter of the Holy Office. The text in Vatican Council II does not make this claim.
I could interpret these passages in Vatican Council II without using the irrational premise and conclusion.
-Lionel Andrades

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