Wednesday, March 18, 2015

If the Magisterium accepts that Vatican Council II can be interpreted without Marchetti's irrational premise and conclusion then the Church comes back to Tradition, as Bishop Williamson sought

Former SSPX Bp. Williamson, soon to be excommunicated … again 1

I saw at CWR that former SSPX Bp. Richard Williamson intends soon in Brazil to consecrate at least one priest as a bishop.
No credit is being given to Rorate Caeli for breaking the news.This is avoided by Fr.Z and others, including CWR.
He will immediately incur, again, the excommunication which he had incurred at the time of his own illicit consecration in 1988 by the late Archbp. Marcel Lefevbre.
They were protesting against Vatican Council II in 1988.
They did not know then that the Good Thief on the Cross or St.Emerentiana cannot be exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church. Since they existed centuries back. Exceptions must exist in the present times. Something or someone can only be an exception today.Every exception to all needing the baptism of water for salvation has to happen today.Otherwise it will not be an exception today.At Vatican Council II ( 1960-1965) no one there knew of anyone saved without faith and baptism.
So there really aren't any exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the srict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Bishop Williamson still does not realize it now. He assumes that there are explicit exceptions to the dogma. So he cannot say that Vatican Council II II affirms the strict interpretation of the dogma and is traditional on other religions and an ecumenism of return.
The magisterium will be making the same error.Instead of correcting them self and clarifying the issue once again on Vatican Council II there will be excommunications.
That excommunication had been lifted by Benedict XVI as a sign of good will toward the SSPX. Williamson was subsequently expelled from the SSPX for his extreme positions.
Extreme positions?
If the Magisterium accepts that Vatican Council II can be interpreted without Marchetti's irrational premise and conclusion then the Church comes back to Tradition, as Bishop Williamson sought.
The Magisterium is not going to do this since it will be considered  an 'extreme position' by the political Left.
So… I am reminded of my old analogy of old fashioned women’s silk stockings. Once they get a snag in them the fabric starts to run and there’s almost no way to stop it.
BTW… it seems to me that one of the reasons that Pope Francis is turned off by things traditional may be his hearing about what Williamson was like as rector of the SSPX seminary in Argentina.
What was his moral or faith crime? What canon law did he violate?
In 2009 the head of the SSPX, Bp. Fellay, removed Williamson from that seminary after Williamson denied the Holocaust. After that he was removed from the SSPX.
So for political reasons (Leftist values) he could not be a bishop in the Catholic Church.Otherwise he did not violate any Church teaching.
Could the Magisterium  be in public heresy and so Bishop Williamson is consecrating new bishops without the permission of the Vatican ?
By the constant Magisterium the SSPX really means the Magisterium before 1949 which did not use the false premise
 Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict also used the false premise and conclusion from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949
What was Fr. Hardons error that Cardinal Burke approved?
 The Council of Trent, Mystici Corporis no where says that these cases are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : Rome made a mistake in 1949
Marchetti’s false premise has been accepted by the Magisterium
-Lionel Andrades

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf does not believe in the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : advice on interfaith marriages

Pope Francis, Cardinal Muller and Cardinal Ladaria are refusing to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality
Edward Pentin pulls down Cardinal Muller's controversial interview ? : still available on the Vatican website
January 13, 2015
Cardinal Muller's doctrinal error placed on the Vatican website!
Edward Pentin is asking us to accept a lie and proclaim a falsehood: the same error is being forced on the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the Manelli family
Friday,July 4, 2014
Fr.Frederico Lombardi does not address doctrinal questions on Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

Cardinal Gerhard Muller's doctrinal error was placed on the Vatican website and found on Edward Pentin's webpage.The editors at the National Catholic Register approved it

Archbishop Thomas Gullickson, John Martigioni and Fr.Rev. Fr.P. Stefano Visintin OSB, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University St.Anselm agree with me : there are no visible exceptions.

Fr.Marco Hausmann FSSP confirms: there are no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire
Cardinal Muller does not call the Department of the Theology of Religions at the Gregorian University as being heretical

Jesuit priests Wolanin,Tiso, Lobo, Morali, Mokrani, Fuss, Muozj, Bianchini and others are teaching Missiology at the Gregorian Univesity,Rome based on apparition theology

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