Friday, March 27, 2015

No donations to organisations that are pro- abortion but on the issue of salvation, dogmas , Vatican Council II they would welcome donations to LifeSites, whose editor dissents

O.K it is an oversight, a common error in the Church but when is this issue going to be discussed by them ?

There is also confusion when Catholics interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise and inference and so the Council emerges as a break with the past.Cardinal Raymond Burke and John Henry Weston use this irrational premise and inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Cardinal Raymond Burke has referred to confusion in the Church according to a report by John Henry Weston, Editor of LifeSites.
John Henry Weston does not write about the confusion promoted by Lifesites. Since if he removes the confusion he would be saying that Vatican Council II and the Catholic Church teaches ( in Vatican Council II) that there is no known salvation outside the Church.
Since there is no known salvation ( and cannot be any such case) outside the Church there are no explcit exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So Vatican Council II does not and cannot contradict the centuries old interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
This would have to be John Henry Weston's conclusion on Vatican Council II interpreted without assuming that there are known exceptions in the present times to all needing to be formal members of the Church.
This is not the politically accepted interpretation of the dogma. So John Henry Weston and Hilary White at Lifesites avoid this issue.
Then are expected in a few months to participate in a March for Life  in Rome along with Cardinal Raymond Burke.
They will be telling Catholics the Church teaches that abortion is wrong. They will talk on pro life issues and expect Catholics and non Catholics to support it.
Yet they will not be able to tell the non Catholics present at the March for Life that the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II affirms the 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
It is convenient for them to reject the Church's teaching on salvation with an irrational premise ( there are explicit exceptions to the dogma, people saved in Heaven without formal entry in the Church are seen and known on earth).It is prudent in  a worldly sense to reject a traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents.
They have quoted an English bishop telling Catholics not to donate to charities that are pro abortion and whose actions are contrary to the teachings of the Church.Yet they would expect donations to LifeSites whose Catholic editor supports an irrational ecclesiology( deceased now in Heaven are visible exceptions)  and so endorses Vatican Council II as a break with the past, similar to dissenters.
On Vatican Council II they are liberal while on abortion they are traditional.
On abortion they would not expect donations to be given to organisations that are pro- abortion but on the issue of salvation,the dogmas of the Church, Vatican Council II etc  they would welcome donations to LifeSites, whose editor dissents.
Cardinal Raymond Burke also holds the liberal position on this issue.
O.K it is an oversight, a common error in the Church, among good and well meaning people,  but when is this issue going to be discussed ?
-Lionel Andrades


March for Life 2015 : double standards

Cardinal Raymond Burke interprets Church documents with an irrational premise and conclusion and offers the Traditional Latin Mass

What makes a traditionalist or liberal ? It's the premise and EENS


Vatican Council II (premise-free) agrees with the SSPX position on an ecumenism of return and non Christians needing to convert for salvation

So if LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 are not explicit for us in 2015 ( and they are not) then there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict Feeneyism.
SSPX show the Vatican the Marchetti error carried over into Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus and other magisterial documents
When the laity are aware of the false premise, they will not fall for this ruse

How can everyone be wrong and only you be correct

The 'mainstream' Church has to begin the reconciliation process with doctrinal truth.They have to admit that there are no exceptions to the centuries old interpretation of the dogma EENS, on March 19,2015

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