Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Magisterium made a mistake at Vatican Council II when it accomodated the Marchetti 1949 error

The Magisterium made a mistake at Vatican Council II when it accomodated the Marchetti 1949 error.
We can still interpret the Council in accord with the Feeneyite version of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).
Cardinal Kasper, Bishop Schneider,Bruno Gherardini are using the Marchetti error so the Council is ambigous.
Cardinal Marchetti assumed there is salvation outside the Church and that being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) and the baptism of desire (BOD) , were examples of such salvation, which were exceptions to traditional EENS.
This was false. It was factually and objectively incorrect but it was not corrected by the popes, since Pope Pius XII.
If these cases are exceptions to EENS it would mean we can see the dead who are in Heaven.
It is not humanly possible to know of any person saved outside the Church i.e without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.We cannot see or know such a case on March 28,2015. So there is no exception to the dogma.There cannot be an exception for us human beings.
 At Vatican Council II, Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits,were active.They had still maintained the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney. This was made  known world wide by the secular media. He was also still expelled from the Jesuit community.Under these conditions which they created in Boston, Cardinal Cushing and the Jesuits incorporated the Marchetti error in the text of Vatican Council II (LG 14,AG 7 etc).
So Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentes 14 could contradict itself.However it would contradict itself only for those who are not aware of  Marchetti's mistake.
For those who infer that the dead , who are now in Heaven can be explicit exceptions to the dogma there emerge exceptions to EENS in Vatican Council II. This was the Cushing-Jesuit(John Courtney Murray,Karl Rahner, Hans Kung etc) line of thinking.
For those of us who know that the deceased saved in Heaven with the BOD or or I.I ( followed by the baptism of water) are not visible to us on earth and they are known only to God, there are no exceptions to EENS. AG7 and LG 14 do not contradict itself.
Cardinal Marchetti was dead before Vatican Council II.It is also believed that he did not make the original mistake but that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 (which carries his name) was 'tampered with'. Additions were made.It was made public by the Archdiocese of Boston after Marchetti died. The Letter an inter-office communication, from one bishop to another, was made public three years after it was originally issued.It did not carry the seal and signature of the responsible Holy Office officials.It was placed in the Denzinger by Fr.Karl Rahner S.J and referenced in the Catechism by Cardinal Ratzinger.
The concept of BOD and I.I being exceptions to EENS was accepted sadly in Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus , Catechism of the Catholic Church 1257, 846, Balamand Declaration etc.It was approved in two papers of the International Theological Commission.
Now the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith, Vatican wants the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) and the Franciscans of the Immaculate to accept Vatican Council II interpreted with Marchetti's irrational premise, inference and conclusion.
To receive canonical status the SSPX have to endorse an irrational ecclesiology.This irrational ecclesiology( with the visible dead inference) is wrongly attributed to the Novus Ordo Mass by Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX and by many traditionalists.
The new ecclesiology really comes from Cardinal Marchetti's premise and inference.When this error is detected and avoided, even priests who offer Mass in Italian can affirm an exclusivist ecclesiology and endorse traditional EENS.It would not be in conflict with Vatican Council II. Even lay movements like the Neocatechumenal Way , Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Focolares etc can affirm the centuries old interpretation of EENS along with Vatican Council II, interpreted without Marchetti's premise, inference and conclusion.-Lionel Andrades

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