Monday, March 2, 2015

The SSPX has nothing to say!?

Quite so, Lionel, I do not disagree. But you must know, based on her teaching elsewhere within these same documents, that the Church is using "knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved" purely in the objective sense (as well she should), with "knowing" being a deliberate and culpable act of the will against what the Muslim or Jew knows to be the true teaching of Christ.

The magisterium has accepted the mistake from the 1949 Letter.
However we have a choice. We can still interpret the Council based on Ad Gentes 7. This would be traditional and in line with the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.


This is the approach traditionally taken by the Church with Muslims, Jews and the Orthodox, assuming, for the sake of their salvation, the urgency of accepting the truths of the Church, once they are known. Subjectively, however, we cannot know if "mortal sin" actually exists. The Church, in the name of ecumenism, would rather assume "good will" and place its faith in a sort of collective ignorance, even if they "know", at least objectively, full well what the Church actually teaches.

Yes the Magisterium is using the Marchetti inference. Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani assumed there was salvation outside the Church. For him cases of the baptism of desire etc were visible and personally known in 1949.Otherwise how could there be exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma ?. So he assumed that all do not need to enter the Church. Since there were known exceptions for him in 1949.Persons saved and now in Heaven were known exceptions! This is irrational and makes no sense.Yet upon this nonsense he concluded that all do not need to enter the Church.This was accepted during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII . It still is accepted today by the Vatican Curia.


Sadly, we know where the emphasis on the subjective has lead - the assumption that the
Church is NOT necessary for salvation since any subjective "good-willed' orientation towards the truth and the Church, even while rejecting Christ and several of her dogmas, is not perceived as a true barrier to one's salvation.

It is heresy and irrationality which is the official teaching of the magisterium and they want the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculater to interpret Vatican Council II with this heresy.


For the sake of men's salvation, the Church needs to reclaim some of her "rigorous" wisdom, and stop pretending, as a matter of de facto policy, that those traveling outside the one
true Church are on a path to salvation.

The Vatican does not seem to want to make the correction. Neither are the traditionalists commenting upon this.
Marchetti was in error and the Magisterium approved it. The SSPX has nothing to say!?
-Lionel Andrades

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