Monday, March 16, 2015

When the laity are aware of the false premise, they will not fall for this ruse

Comments from the blogpost.1
I don't think its as simple as you're trying to make it.
This was Cardinal Marchetti's simple error.


Whether we can know who alive today fits in those categories or not is pretty irrelevant I think.
Yes. We cannot know.


Baptism of desire can't refer to Jews or Muslims who have no desire for baptism.
It cannot.


Nor indeed can it refer to faith alonist Protestants who despise baptism and have no desire for it. Nor indeed does the concept of invincible ignorance apply in either case.
It does not.


If it were called invincible stupidity it might, but no, its called invincible ignorance. They're stupid but not ignorant, because they know Acts 2:38 and 1st Peter 3:21 show baptism is essential to salvation and have heard it a million times, but choose to follow Luther instead of Scripture.
Baptism of water and Catholic Faith are essential for salvation.


So getting rid of this premise does not fix the out of control ecumenism of the Vatican II popes when they assert that Jews and Muslims and unbaptized faith alonist Protestants can be saved without baptism.
The liberals,the professors, the pontifical universities, bishops and cardinals, insist that Catholic lay men and women change their personal understanding of the Faith.They say, this is the new theology. This is Vatican Council II for them. When the laity are aware of the false premise, they will not fall for this ruse.


The council and the popes following it are still in error for their Baptist-style rejection of baptism's necessity.
The Council can be interpreted as affirming the necessity of the baptism of water. This is there in AG 7 and LG 14.

-Lionel Andrades
Cardinal Raymond Burke interprets Church documents with an irrational premise and conclusion and offers the Traditional Latin Mass

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