Sunday, March 15, 2015

When Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus were issued neither did Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger know of any exceptions to the dogma

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) should use the 2012 General Chapter Statement to sort out the discrepancies in the Catechism of the Catholic Church , Dominus Iesus, Redemptoris Missio and the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
The GCS should be used as a doctrinal measure, to expose the irrationality and factual mistakes in magisterial documents relative to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).
At the centre, fundamentally it is the mistake of not being aware that an exception to the dogma on salvation must happen in the present times, today,living memory, existing time, visible and concrete, March 15,2015.
Something that happened in the past cannot be an exception to the dogma on March 15.
Something that will happen in the future cannot be an exception to the dogma on outside the church there is no salvation.
 Something that happens in Heaven and is known only to God, cannot be an exception on earth to the dogma today;someone in Heaven cannot be an exception to all needing to convert formally into the Church in March 2015.
The message of the dogma is related to today.All need 'faith and baptism' for salvation today.All need to convert today into the Church to avoid the fires of Hell.

So the SSPX's GCS is saying all need to convert into the Church today and there are no exceptions today March 15.There cannot be any exceptions.
 Even if someone were to die without faith and baptism ( which is not de fide)  we would not know of any exception today.Humanly we cannot know. These persons would be dead and in Heaven.
So if a pope, cardinal or magisterial document infers that there are exceptions today it is false.It has to be rejected.This is common sense.The dead -past, present or future- cannot be exceptions  to all needing to convert into the Church today.
Cardinals Marchetti and Cushing in 1949 did not know of any exceptions.
At Vatican Council II ( 1960-1965) no one there knew of anyone saved without faith and baptism.
When Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus were issued neither did Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger know of any exceptions to the dogma.
There is no known case of salvation outside the Church i.e without the Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.
So how can the Catechism of Pope John Paul II, Dominus Iesus, Redemptoris Missio and other magisterial documents, over seen by Cardinal Ratzinger, imply that there is salvation outside the Church?
Where is the proof for this new doctrine in the Church? Why do the SSPX and all Catholics have to accept it?
How can being saved in invincible ignorance(II) and the baptism of desire (BOD) be an exception to the dogma today?
What has being saved in II and BOD ( with or without the baptism of water) have to do with  EENS?
 How can it be considered salvation outside the Church when there is no such case known today?
For instance, in the USCCB Doctrinal Committe Notification on Fr.Peter C.Phan it was stated every one needs to enter the Church except for those saved in II or BOD. Why was this accepted in  general by Catholics? Who were the 'except for' cases? What were their names and surnames?
 I affirm the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam  nulla salus according to the Church Councils( Cantate Domino etc) and Vatican Council II (AG 7).Being saved in I.I and BOD are not exceptions to the dogma for me.
I accept the possibility of being saved in II and BOD followed by the baptism of water.This is the de fide teaching of the dogma.
There are no exceptions to John 3:5.
I do not know any one in the past, present or future who is or can be an exception to the dogma. -Lionel Andrades

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