Friday, March 20, 2015

Without the three points we get a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus but this is not understood by the SSPX.

SSPX Communique on the consecration of Bishop Jean-Michel Faure
The Society of St. Pius X denounces this episcopal consecration of Fr. Faure, which, despite the assertions of both clerics concerned, is not at all comparable to the consecrations of 1988. All the declarations of Bishop Williamson and Fr. Faure prove abundantly that they no longer recognize the Roman authorities, except in a purely rhetorical manner.
Political statements.It's now 'them' versus 'us'.
The Society of St. Pius X still maintains that the present state of necessity renders legitimate its action throughout the world, without denying the legitimate authority of those for whom it continues to pray at every Mass.
Even Bishop Williamson and Bishop Jean-Michel Faure accept Pope Francis as the pope and they pray for him.
 The Society intends to continue its work of priestly formation according to its statutes. It has every intention to keep the deposit of the Faith 
The SSPX will continue like the FSSP to affirm Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus with three irrational theories. They call this the Deposit of the Faith!
The FSSP priests in Rome, are allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass only when they interpret Vatican Council II with these three irrational theories accepted by the magisterium since 1949. 1

1.Someone in the past is an exception to the dogma on March 20,2015.

2.Someone living will be an exception to the dogma today since he will be saved without faith and baptism.As if we can know!

3.Someone in Heaven is an exception to the dogma on earth.As if we can see people in Heaven.This is the dead-man walking theory!

For the SSPX ' a ray of the Truth that enlightens all men' (NA 2) refers to someone saved without the baptism of water and this case is known to them on earth in the present times ( March 20) ? The deceased are visible!. See point three above.
 For the SSPX  NA 2, UR 3, LG 8, LG 16 etc are explicit exceptions to Tradition. 
With the use of the three points, Vatican Council II emerges as a break with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the rest of Tradition.
If they avoided this one action Vatican Council II would be traditional once again.
For the SSPX the dead-saved with the 'seeds of the Word' (AG 11) are visible exceptions on earth to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma.See point number three.
 Then SSPX priests often refer to St.Emerentiana.They suggest that she died without the baptism of water.See point one above.
Archbishop Augustine Di Noia in an interview with Edward Pentin for the National Catholic Register was asked about extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He said that he knew of good Protestants who would be saved outside the Church i.e without Catholic Faith.There was no comment or criticism from the SSPX. See point number number two above.
Without the three points we get a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus but this is not understood by the SSPX.

and the purity of the Church’s moral teaching, in opposition to errors, from wherever they may come, in order to pass on such Faith and morals in the traditional liturgy and by preaching, in accordance with the missionary spirit of its founder: Credidimus caritati [1 John 4:16].
Even the SSPX founder made a mistake and was not aware of the three theories above.It was with this irrationality that he interpreted first extra ecclesiam nulla salus and then Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades


MARCH 20, 2015

FSSP priests in Rome not allowed to affirm Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus without three irrational points: no denial from religious community

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