Saturday, April 25, 2015

Archbishop testifies to the fruit of Medjugorje

Archbishop testifies to the fruit of Medjugorje

Mgr Salvador Piñeiro García Calderón, the Archbishop of Ayacucho and President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, was in Medjugorje this month. It was his second pilgrimage to Medjugorje. His first was in June 2003.
In an interview with Radio Mir the 66-year-old Archbishop said:

“I have long been listening to Our Lady’s messages of conversion and adoration, but it’s not easy to come here because it is so far away. Some pilgrims from Peru were able to come and I am here because of them.

“In Lima we have a centre called the Queen of Peace and people come there to spread Our Lady’s messages and acquaint us more and more with Medjugorje.

“During my stay here I heard many confessions, and it is a huge comfort to the priest when he sees so many believers come with pain and tears and then leave and go home happy. This is the fruit and wonder of this place.”

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